Friday, August 31, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:51 AM 6 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
OKay - real quick - I just sent out a newsletter - via our site that we use - and it's blank......I don't know WHY!! but, I'm trying to figure it out - give me a little while!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:24 AM 4 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:04 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Okay - it's official..........................we have our SCRAP*PINK weekend information ready!! And, for you LOYAL blog readers, you're the FIRST to know!!! Here's the "low down".........
we're going to have mini "weekend retreat"......from friday september 28th at 5:00pm through midnight.....then resuming on Saturday morning at 7:00am through midnight!!!!
We are having a CROP ONLY!!! No classes will be held on Saturday.
Your fee will include a "Fight Like A Girl" shirt................and a goodie bag of some sort.
WE WILL NOT BE SERVING any MEALS!!! We might have some fruit and pink snackies, but I don't really wanna "mess" with food!!! So, you're on your own for that!!! we have tons of great places to eat, and you'll want a break too!!!
Okay - so registration will open for this on THIS FRIDAY MORNING!!!!! August 31st.....FRIDAY MORNING!!! This will give everyone a chance to check their calendars and make arrangements to come!!
THEN......on Sunday - Jana has offered to teach a class with a "Survivor" theme for Breast Cancer survivors, AND she is donating all of her time and money to the Susan G. Komen foundation! This class will be $22.00 and will be held on Sunday September 30th at 2:00pm-4:00pm.........
there ya have it - I'll be back later - gotta get some dinner!!!
~peace out!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 7:37 PM 3 comments
WOW!!! It's already Wednesday - as far behind as I am and tired - it still feels like it should be MONDAY!! Okay - so here are some pics from this weekend..................I'm gonna try and do a photo bucket of them as i get them, so you can enjoy ALL of them!!!! I don't have a "sketch" for you this week - but I do have some pics from the layouts that were completed AT ganza - so that should give you some inspiration!!!!

Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:37 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Okay - a quick question for you today......before i get to posting some FANTABULOUS photos from the weekend!!! (finally have the uploaded onto my computer!)......trying to get the plans for the SCRAPPINK weekend going.....(from ONE crop - to another!....TOUGH life!).......for those of you who MIGHT be thinking about coming.....would you rather have classes and make n takes for YOU throughout the day......................or would you rather come to CROP ALL DAY with no interruptions?!? (other than a few give-a-ways and of course, passing of "Flossie"!?!) Let me hear from you SOON!! If you don't want to post a comment here - email me at!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:19 AM 13 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Okay - first of all - I'M TIRED?!!!!!! Anyone else out there still having a hard time "snapping out of it"??!!! I thought I was doing pretty good - got home last night - got ALL the laundry done - meals "cooked" for the week - grocery shopping - house cleaned - even watched an episode of my favorite show - "Family Jewels"!!! ....... woke up this morning EARLY for school - and WHAM!!! TIRED!!!
T * I * R * E * D!!!!
So, I just finished typing up the newsletter - THAT took about an hour - so I'm TIRED!!! I'm going to bed!!! It's not even 10:00 and I'm READY FOR BED!!! But, I promise I'll be back tomorrow to post more pics from ganza - more store info - and more challenges for the week!!! So, stay tuned!!!
PS - I am SO appreciative of the comments that you guys are leaving for us on this blog - it's SO nice to hear them!!! We all really do LOVE YOU GUYS and think of you as friends - so thank you !! We had a weekend we will NEVER forget!! I'm STILL laughing at things that I remember from this weekend!!!! Even laughing at things that I wasn't "around" to witness!!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:46 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Hey Renee, What time is it?!?!?!
Last Night was CRAZY here at the Best Western Hotel and Suites in Park City!!!! There were about 2 hands full of people up around 2:00 am..... This is the time that the early birds turn in and the party animals come out!!! If you want to have a good time Gina, Brynn, Liz, Tracy and Paula....... SIT BY THEM!!!! If you want to be inappropriate, sit with Dana, Kristy, Renee, Jennifer, Michelle Babcock/Fletchall/Babcock/Fletchall, Heather, Tracie, Alicia, and I!!!! GOOD TIMES LADIES, GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!!
"Where Did Steffanie Go????"
Its the FINAL day of CAG, day 3!!! It is a little bitter sweet! We have worked up to this weekend for months, and it seems to be over so quickly!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their time, and got "some" work done! I got much more done that I thought I would, but not as much as I would have liked!!! Get rest this next week..... I AM OFF ALL WEEK!!!!! Well.... I say all week, but I have some classes I have to get caught up on, so I will be there a little. But if you see my beautiful face, you dont really, right?!
Peace and Chicken Grease.........SMYERS
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:39 AM 7 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Corrections and announcements that we mentioned we'd post on the blog for you ganza goers!!!
Creative Impressions - Carolyn McGowen & Becky Eck
Correction of email address:
GINA Scarbrough was our winner of our last BLOG give-away!!! She found Jennifer Roeder, and won a Brand New Scrapbook TOTE and Lazy Susan!!! ROCK ON!!
Anyone else interested in winning via the blog?!?!?!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 4:19 PM 3 comments
GGGOOOOOODDDDDD afternoon!!! I KNOW......I KNOW!!! I have failed you TERRIBLY!! I have received PHONE calls....................emails.......................and verbal threats for not updating the blog!! I'm tellin ya - we've been SO SUPA busy here at CROP*A*GANZA and the internet is SUPA SLOW!! So, it takes me nearly three hours to upload my photos and commentary!! BUT,,,,,,Jana and Renee have been updating their blogs - WITH pictures that I DID NOT AUTHORIZE!!!! Remember girls......................what happens at CROP*A*GANZA STAYS at CROP*A*GANZA!!!!!
Kathy GETS TO SCRAPBOOK!! (these are the Crop Camp ladies and its so nice for them to get to come and be pampered instead of DOING the pampering!)
Things that make me happy!!!!
Can anyone SEE Renee?!?!
Ganza also gets you SO excited that you FORGET to check your SHOES before you leave your room!!!
DICE in honor of the WEEKEND!!!
Jana is REALLY enjoying her weekend!! She wore this for like the ENTIRE evening!!!
KATE and KELLY - OUR WONDERFUL "booth" keepers!!!
Dana completed these ADORABLE door hangers!! AREN'T THEY CUTE~!!?!?!?
THIS is the layout that I spent SEVEN .....7......S*E*V*E*N hours on!?!? What the heck!?!?
I walked by one of the croppers "casinos" and saw this sitting on the table!! LOVE THIS!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:30 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Does THIS make anyone else happy??!?!
The internet is SOOOOO slow here- i'm hoping all of these photos up load!!! I don't have ALLLL DAY LONG!!!
WE will have a LIVE remote tonight - so those of you that are cropping "remotely" - log on and lets have a P-A-R-T-Y!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:56 AM 6 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:36 AM 6 comments
Okay - earlier I mentioned that I would get the "DL" on the Heidi issues with Big Picture Scrapbooking.....I haven't been taking the class with the rest of the group - I'm a "tad" my lovely Kristy (thank you so much my dear!) researched it for me.....apparently - in a nutshell there are SOME people in the class that are not happy - as you read below.........
(this is from Kristy):.......It was sent to the BPS Heidi class after they complained about getting very old product in this quarters kit, ghost clocks 4 packs, credit cards, old stamps things that most all of them already owned. I think the tone of the email was dismissive on SJ part, like so what, be glad we let you take the class. It only cost you 300.00 the whole thing is posted at the smack blog... here is the content with email adds removed:
(this is the email that was sent out from Stacy Julian - apparently only intended internally - and was sent "reply to all"!?! oopsies!!):....."I'm am not familiar with the original "concern" but I think you Paula have done an excellent job of responding point by point. I think this workshop is slowly weeding out people bent on being unhappy at any cost (personal opinion here) and I just want to go on the record with a great big Thank YOU to Heidi, to Advantus and to everyone that is making this course happen. We are doing something here that has never been done and I personally think that rocks. I'd much rather take risks and try new things that do what's safe and likely not "change" anyone or anything. so there. sj"
Okay - now - I just want to say (not that ANYONE cares what Steffanie Thompson in po-dunk KS thinks......but still - I paid my $300.00 just like everyone else!).....I have not stayed "current" with the class like some of the crazies out there that have time for this stuff!! (it's easier to call them crazies, cuz then I feel a little more normal being so CRAZY right now)!!!!.....But, I am "satisfied", I guess with the class. I love Heidi......I'm not taking this class to get FREE STUFF!!! I am taking this class to learn more about Heidi Swapp,to learn more about how she "thinks", "works", "designs", where she gets her inspiration, and quite honestly - how she stays SO SUPA organized with FIFTEEN kids!!!! So, I feel that those people that have been so "rude" to Heidi - are not being fair! We are ALL HUMAN!! She has a LOT going on in her life right now - HELLOOOOOO she's moving to CHINA for goodness sake - she HAS TWO CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF ONE!! (well, Capri JUST turned ONE!) can't we all just GET ALONG!?!
Sorry- off the soap box!! I just feel sometimes that people are just too quick to think that EVERYONE owes THEM something?!?! Sorry!! Have a wonderful day - and if you get a minute - check out Heidi's blog - and lets all pray for her -wow, it's amazing that she's still getting out of bed every day!!!! What would YOU do in her shoes!?!
******* just an FYI - I have NOT had time to blog about this TODAY - I typed it last night, knowing I would be SSWWAAMMPPED today!! And I have been!!! Guess what all came in today!?!!........................................AMM totes - ALL our BAZziLLLL finally!!! Lots of stuff we've been out of for a while........but we got some NEW buttons!?!?.........ALL of our OPEN UP ALBUMS from Melissa Frances came today!!AND some new ones!!!....yes, we're bringing ALL of it to GANZA!?!?.............................................AND....drum roll PLEASE?!! GLITZ arrived today!! HOORRAYYYY!!! (Jodi - I put the create-a-card cd in your box in the employee room, next time you're out!!)...................and the scrapbook trends september issues came - both cards, magazine and the holiday idea book!! okay- i gotta pick up the kiddos and then i'm off the "wild wild best western"!?!?!!?!! Talk at cha later!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:15 AM 6 comments
Hi everyone! This is "MOM" aka Debbie. I know, it is freaky that I am "blogging"! (you'll get over it! I did.)
I just wanted to take a minute to express my appreciation for my girls ! They have all worked so hard on Crop a Ganza! I hope those of you that are going will enjoy the fruit of all the hard work that has gone into this event! It is impossible to please EVERYONE when you are working with 150+ women, but I think the girls have sure tried !
Steffanie and Sarah have spent many loooong laaate hours at the store trying to get everything ready, and making sure nothing is forgotten.
I hope you all have a good time and remember that you are there to have a good time and to spend quality time with your fellow scrapbookers !
Happy Scrapping !
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:01 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Okay - I have to say real quick - if you're new to our "blog stalking" - then you need to read down a few entries - cuz I've been on a ROLL lately and have been posting like twice a day - so I don't want you to miss anything!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:01 PM 4 comments