Good evening!!! I am going to be getting an email together in the AM (probably after 10AM) regarding the weight loss be watching for that!!!
just an fyi!!!
have a great weekend!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:16 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Hello my scrapbooking friends!! How is your SHORT week going?? We've been faBulAS dahhling!!!! I (personally) have my Christmas decorations ALL DOWN!! AND PUT AWAY!!! YEAH!!! Now - they're still up at the store - but hopefully will come down before the 1st of the year!!!!

Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 2:08 PM 8 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Wish YOU a Merry Christmas.........................
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Wish YOU a Merry Christmas.........................
Well, the casseroles are ready for cooking, the desserts are all made - all but THREE of the gifts are wrapped - and Santa is bringing those - the cards are mailed out - the house is cleaned - the cookies are baked - everything is READ-I to go!!!!!! Now, we get to sit back and grab a hot cup of cider/hot chocolate, start the fireplace, and watch "It's a Wonderful Life"!!! I LOVE THIS SEASON!!!! This is the MOST I've been prepared EVA!!! I've seriously got time to SIT AND WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! Usually I'm frantically finishing up last minute items that I forgot or wrapping just HOURS before we rip all the paper to shreds!!! I hope you are able to enjoy the season in YOUR own way as well!!!
I, for some reason, feel as though the "new year" begins the day after Christmas......not sure why - but I do!!! So, we're (the girls at the attic and myself) gearing up for some new years resolutions in the new year. We've launched whats called a "weight loss wiki"!!! It's a website that we've set up to track and encourage our weight loss goals. We're also going to make a friendly competition out of it!!! If you're interested, give it some thought and email me at .......... I'll get back with you in the next week about the specifics of it all - but we'd like to launch it officially on the 1st of January.
We hope you that you are enjoying time spent with friends and family on this wonderful Christmas eve - and that you take a minute to remember the "reason for the season"........ and thank CHRIST for all that he has done for you and your life!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:43 AM 3 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Well, WHEW!!! What a FRIDAY!!! IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE!!!!!! I hope you are ALL DONE WITH YOUR SHOPPING!!! SERIOUSLY - I've NEVER seen as many people out on ONE day ALL OVER THE PLACE as I had yesterday!!! My brave scrubby took the kiddos to the MALL!! BOTH OF THE KIDS!!! I went to meet him and he looked like he was going to JUMP over the railing!! It was AWFUL out!!! And with today's weather - YUCK!! NOT!! I LOVE THIS WEATHER!!! BRING IT ON!!!!
So, our 12 days of Christmas sales event has come to a close!!! And what a success it was!!! Thank you ALL for your participation in all of it!! I really enjoyed getting a feel for how many of you out there are ACTUALLY reading our blog!!! I'll keep the posts coming - cuz I know how much SOME of you enjoy reading them!!!
Speaking of peeps - Liz S. ........ are you out there?!?!?! I haven't heard from you!!!!!
We got another shipment of stickles in yesterday AND some other new stuff - but I don't wanna speak to soon - cuz I'm not sure how fast mom/I will get it processed to get it out on the floor today or tomorrow I'm sure - but it's some new stuff that we've never had in the store before!!!! I'm SO excited!!!
Okay - I've GOT to get my house cleaned before the HOLIDAY is here!!! We made our FIRST ever GINGERBREAD house last night with the kiddos........I'll have to post the pictures later on!!! I'm hoping to make some SUGAR cookies later on tonight!! BUT, both kiddos seem to be coming down with something!!!!
We ARE going to continue our "ATTIC BUX" throughout the weekend!!! So, for every $50.00 purchase you make - we will be giving you back $5.00 in ATTIC BUX!!!! AND we're going to continue our additional 10% off all clearance merchandise through the weekend as well!! BUT, after Christmas - it all goes back to 40% off!!!!!
Don't forget - we ARE GOING TO BE CLOSED ON CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY!!!! We wanted to give US and all of our employees an additional day to celebrate the "reason for the season" with their families!! SOOOOO, get in before Monday!!! Remind your scrubbies to get in too!!!!!
On a personal note - how many of you out there are making new years resolutions????? How many of them are "weight loss" related?????? LMK!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:32 AM 4 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
2. What is the name of the "Band" that Sarah and Steffanie's brother is in? Moving Rushmore
3. What is Steffanie's FAVORITE brand of Scrapbooking products? HEIDI SWAPP DUH!!!
4. What is the key word "transmission" stand for!!?? The Nintendo Wii!!
5. Whats Sarah's favorite color? PURPLE!!! (her Christmas tree was a PERFECT clue!)
6. There is a post for A WHILE ago - a picture of a fellow attic friend - in a pink Princess crop a lot shirt - who is this? Melissa Kelly!!!
7. What are our nicknames?? ALL of us: Renee, (MY Renee, Drama Llama, Babs) Kristy (Krusty) Kelli (Smelli Kelli....she loves candles she doesn't STINK!) Debbie (mom, nazi mom - or DL) Sarah (smyers) and Steff (stove top.....I don't LIKE that name!)
8. What do we like to drink when pulling an all nighter at a crop (there are a few of these that will work?) Bux, Monster, Presto
9. Finish this quote: "I'm not a princess, my needs are more like a QUEEN"
10. How old was Jana on her last birthday? 40
11. When is Steffanie's Birthday? October 8 - a NATIONAL holiday!
12. Who was the FIRST person in line for Crop*A*Ganza registration on Monday October 1st? Vicki Beeman
12. What object took the place of our CHIEF CHEF Keri during the crop*a*ganza registration? an oven MIT!
13. What was the date of our ribbon cutting? April 26, 2007
14. What color did Rocky and Renee paint our Fridge? HOT PINK
15. Where is MOM right now? Mexico
Go to the grocery store and there is this hot little man called the Pillsbury
dough boy and you can buy his dough in a roll, and roll and cut and bake :)
These Fiskars punches are SO nice - they cut very clean and smooth and are very easy for your hands!!! BUY ONE GET ONE!! HOW COOL iS THAT!!!!
k.......i'll be back later on with some SALES that we're having this weekend......come back!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:20 AM 5 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
CONGRATULATIONS to SHANNON FISHER!!!! (our ever so very lucky Shannon Fisher!) She is our winner for Wednesdays Christmas Song Trivia!!! I was SO excited to see all the submissions to the challenge when I got here this morning!!!! I didn't realize that ALL of you read the blog!!! I thought it was just the FIVE of us!! ha ha!!! So, Shannon - congratulations!!! I will have a special somethin' for you next time you're in!!!!! I don't know a WHOLE lot about Shannon - but what I do know is that she always has a SMILE on her face, she is extremely talented and she is looking MOST HOT as of lately!! (wink wink, she knows what I'm talkin' about!)
Here are the answers for the quiz!!
1. The 12 Days of Christmas
2. Jingle Bells
3. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
4. Away in a Manger
5. Silent Night
6. Do You Hear What I Hear?
7. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
8. O Christmas Tree
9. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
10. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
11. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
12. Frosty The Snowman
13. Oh Holy Night
14. Walking In a Winter Wonderland
15. Baby It’s Cold Outside
16. Joy To The World
So, what else is going on today????? I'm finishing up my Christmas cards - they are printing as I type!!!! Smyers and I went out last night and got stocking stuffers - that was fun - just a little more last minute items to pick up tomorrow and I'm DONE!!!
Mom gets back tomorrow.....I can't WAIT!!! I have missed her SOOOOO much!!!! I didn't realize just HOW much I rely on her!!! I MISS MY MOMMY!!!!
Okay - so todays challenge - RECIPES!!!! Who can email me the EASIEST and BESTEST Sugar Cookie Recipe?!?!?! HURRY!! I'm making them this weekend and I need a GOOD NEW recipe!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
That's all I'm gonna say!!
DID get my Christmas cards (1/2 of them) mailed out today - I ended up having to go out and buy more cuz my "little" list became a "oh yeah - what about them, and her, and oh yeah I forgot about them!" list!!! So, the rest will be finished tomorrow!! I even did a digi layout of my favorite pics of the boys from this year in the card! ! Maybe I'll post that later!!
Okay - so STILL no winner for yesterdays challenge - so I'm gonna post the answers TOMORROW giving you ONE MORE NIGHT to try and get the answers to me - Man - I guess these were harder than I thought!!!!
Here's your Wednesday Challenge - it should be easier!!! ANYONE can win - so if you won last week - you're eligible again!!!! GOOD LUCK!!: (thank you CW - you're the bomb!)
Tell me the TITLES of these Christmas songs!!! (i'm gonna give you the first one to help you out!)
1. TTDOC....The Twelve Days Of Christmas
2. JB
5. SN
8. OCT
12. FTS
13. OHN
15. BICO
16. JTTW
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
just to let you know - we still have not had a "weiner"!! LOtS and lOtS of submissions - but not ONE has answered them ALL correctly yet!!!! HURRY HURRY!!!
Tomorrow (Wednesday) our 10th day of Christmas sale ALL Apparel 30% off! (this is the perfect opportunity to get some FUN and UNIQUE scrapbooking appareal for that hard to buy for scrapper!!!)
And - I think we should have a VOTE!! Since Summer, Renee and Kristy ALL have the new Making Memories Carousel........WHO do you think will have it "bling-ed" and "decorated" first?!?!!
Read previous post for your challenge!! I will give it until tomorrow early afternoon to post Wednesday's challenge!!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:49 PM 1 comments
2. What did the traffic cop holler to Frosty?............."STOP"
3. Who brought Frosty back to life?............Santa
4. What is the fabric of Frosty's hat?
5. Who trapped Frosty in the greenhouse?........the magician
6. Where are Karen and Frosty going? the North Pole
7. How do Karen and Frosty get around (or travel)? train
8. What riding toy does Frosty behave like?..........a sled
9. In "Frosty the Snowman" the movie (1969), who's voice is that of the narrator?....Jimmy Durante
10. The greedy magician is really after what?...........Frosty's magic hat

AND the new Imaginisce EASTER paper!! You HAVE to be thinking about these things AHEAD of time people!!!! :)
Saturday we had a WONDERFUL SURPRISE!!! Jana made us these GORGEOUS BUX CUP WARMERS!!!! Aren't the BEAUTIFUL!!! AND they're made out of Amy Butler Fabric!! LOVE THEM!! Thank you Jana - did you get my gift to you?????AND, we just got these cool KOOZIES in last week!! From 2chicks - these are FUN!! And would make PERFECT stocking stuffers!!! We also have some CUTE keychains that would be perfect!!! ( i apologize - i don't have time to crop my photos and digi-tize them for you!!)
Other NEW books we have in!!!!

Okay - so we also have a winner for the SNOW ANGEL challenge on Sunday!!! Michelle BFBF is our WINNER!!! Yes, she DID win on Saturday - HOWEVER she was the ONLY ELIGIBLE submission!! SO SHE WINS THE TAG-ALONG cup holder!!!! We love M-BFBFBF!!!!
Your challenge for TUESDAY is for all of YOU - our LOYAL BLOG STALKERS/READERS!!! (CW - thank you for this!) and NO it's not Christmas related!!!! Maybe this will get you all back into PARTICPATING!!! COME ON!!! Answer these questions correctly and we'll have a lil somethin' somethin' for you!!
NOW - some of these are PERSONAL and some of them are scrapbooking/store related........good luck!!!
1. What MONTH did Scrap*Funattic OPEN her doors?
2. What is the name of the "Band" that Sarah and Steffanie's brother is in?
3. What is Steffanie's FAVORITE brand of Scrapbooking products?
4. What is the key word "transmission" stand for!!??
5. Whats Sarah's favorite color?
6. There is a post for A WHILE ago - a picture of a fellow attic friend - in a pink Princess crop alot shirt - who is this?
7. What are our nicknames?? ALL of us: Renee, Kristy, Kelli, Debbie, Sarah and Steff
8. What do we like to drink when pulling an all nighter at a crop (there are a few of these that will work?)
9. Finish this quote: "I'm not a princess, my needs are more like a ________________"
10. How old was Jana on her last birthday?
11. When is Steffanie's Birthday?
12. Who was the FIRST person in line for Crop*A*Ganza registration on Monday October 1st?
12. What object took the place of our CHIEF CHEF Keri during the crop*a*ganza registration?
13. What was the date of our ribbon cutting?
14. What color did Rocky and Renee paint our Fridge?
15. Where is MOM right now?
16. What was the deal with Steffanie's hair in May?? Just kidding - that's not really a question - keep your comments to yourself!!!
email them to me/us at
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:32 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
So, for most of us - the snow is MELTING!!! I HATE this, the aftermath of the gorgeous snow!!! Sooooo, in honor of the snow - I thought it only appropriate to have a Frosty the Snowman quiz!!! (thank you so much to Michielle Doll for her help with this!) Feel free to ask your kiddos for some help!!! Please EMAIL ( your answers to me!! I will pick the FIRST CORRECT email that we receive!!!! Good luck!! Have a great day!!!
2. What did the traffic cop holler to Frosty?
3. Who brought Frosty back to life?
4. What is the fabric of Frosty's hat?
5. Who trapped Frosty in the greenhouse?
6. Where are Karen and Frosty going?
7. How do Karen and Frosty get around (or travel)?
8. What riding toy does Frosty behave like?
9. In "Frosty the Snowman" the movie (1969), who's voice is that of the narrator?
10. The greedy magician is really after what?
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:27 PM 3 comments

Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:14 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:34 AM 2 comments
Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW!!! It's really coming down out there!!!! I hope we get TONS of snow - I LOVE the snow - my kiddos love the snow and it's just so pretty!!
Okay - your challenge for the first person to bring us in a Christmas card!!! We love Christmas cards, and wan to add more to our window collection - so bring them in!! The first one in, wins!! BUT, we'd love to have as many as we can get!!!
Saturday - all Adhesive is on sale - buy the dispenser - get the refill 1/2 off or all of our adhesive is 25% off!!! including Xyron!!!
Have a great weekend, be careful out there - and treat yourself to a snow angel!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 12:44 AM 4 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
She was the FIRST person to cal this morning, after we opened, and sing to us the 12 days of Christmas song!! And she was FULL of Christmas cheer!!!
Yes, yes, yes, I know there were some phone calls BEFORE 9........blame me - NOT Krusty - she didn't realize that when there's a contest we don't open the "phone lines" (once again Dancin' don hall is coming to mind!) until we open the store!!! So, keep trying my friends!! There will be more challenges coming your way!!
Have a great weekend, and don't forget - tomorrow is ADHESIVE day!! So, now's the time to get stocked up on your adhesive!! We even have the NEW adhesive from EKsuccesssssss!!!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like FRIDAY!!!! We made it through the week!!! I hope you're enjoying this 12 days of Christmas "stuff" as much as we are!! We've had SUCH a positive response from everyone, and we're hoping that it's helping to de-stress your holiday planning and to bring a smile to your face!!!
So, for Friday's Challenge.....the FIRST person to CALL the store 316-733-0029 (yes, we wanna hear your beautiful voice!) and recite OR SING to Renee or Kristy in the morning the 12 days of Christmas beginning with TWELVE!!! so,,,,,on the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me.............................
Good luck!!
Have a great Friday!
Mom - have a WONDERFUL week in Mexico - we'll miss you - enjoy and RELAX and forget all about KANSAS for ONE week!!! love ya!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:31 PM 1 comments
GOOD MORNIN' to ya!!!
How are ya?!?!?! How's your Thursday goin'?!!!
First, before I announce our winner, I wanted to say a big THANKYOU to Lan, I LOVE your Christmas card!! Did you do it yourself!?!? It's ADORABLE!!! We LOOOOVVVVEEEE getting Christmas cards (hint hint, wink wink!!) Seriously, we are honored that you included us in your holiday card giving!!!
Okay - our winner of the Reindeer "games" this morning is DANA KLAASSEN!!! She was here bright and early with her new jingle bell tennie's on and sung us a ditty!!! (i've had some SERIOUS bux this mornin' can you tell!?!?) Congrats to Dana!! We are SO thrilled to have met miss Dana - she has become an important part of our week!! We look forward to visits from Dana, both AT crop and in the store!!! She's a refreshing BURST of energy!!! We love ya Dana!

Anyone have a chance to work on their "ad challenge"!!!?????? come on - it's been THIRTEEN HOURS since I posted this challenge!! :)
We hope you all have a great day!! Don't forget to include us in your shop to stop spot this weekend while you're out and about!!!
ps - there is now only ONE spot remaining available for the digi class!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Requirements: Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 or 6.0 (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Internet Access (we do have wireless at the store)!
Basic to intermediate knowledge of computer operation
Jana’s sparkling personality and winning smile!
Bonus PSD files created by Jana for YOU!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Okay - WOWWEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! There were TONS and TONS of emails this morning when I woke up!! GOOD JOB you guys!! Now - for those of you that have NOT seen this movie - it is a MUST see!! It's nice to watch an old movie and just stop and reflect on the important SIMPLE things - at least for me anyway!!!
Okay - so, drum roll PLEASE!?!?! The winner of Wednesdays' Challenge is....................................
KIM BROWN!!!!!!!
Now, there were LOTS AND LOTS of submissions - but Kim is the WINNER!!! Congratulations Kim!!! Kim has become a fond friend of the attic - we've really enjoyed getting to hang out with her at our Friday night Crops -AND she was lucky enough to join us at Scrap*Pink and got to share a crop spot with JR!!! That was a BLAST!!
So, here are the answers.............................................
In "It's a Wonderful Life",
1. what did George dream of becoming? architect!!!!
2. who starred as George Bailey?....Jimmy Stewart
3. what two friends share their names with two Sesame Street Characters?....Bert and Ernie
4. what part of George's house is always broken?......the ball on the top of the banister!
5. what kind of spirit is Clarence? angel!
6. what did Clarence receive for accomplishing his mission?......his wings
7. how did Clarence cleverly save George's life? (this one is tricky - saved his life the FIRST time!!).....jumped in the river
8. who lost $8000.00?......uncle billy!!
I'm happy to say that my MIL was thrilled to hear that we were having a challenge in her honor - AND she knew ALL the answers - DUH!! I thought it was the least we could do to make her week brighter - after all - my FIL and DH (father in law and hubby!) picked up some new furniture yesterday at Slumberland for her and LOST IT OUT THE BACK OF THE TRUCK ON THE HIGHWAY!! That's ANOTHER story for ANOTHER day!!!
Okay - I have Renee's Challenge LO at the store - and I'm at home right now - finishing up some gift wrapping and now I'm out to finish up a few more gifts!! SOoooooo, I will get that posted later on today - don't forget to get in today and get your cats eyes, stickles and dabbers!!
Congrats KIM!!! I'll have a lil' something special for you at the store!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Good evening fellow loyal blog stalkers!! How was your Tuesday!?
We had a FABULOUS Tuesday here at the attic.....lots and lots of bazzill gone!! Krusty - you're gonna have to get a bazzill order together before the holidays sneak up on us!!! :)
Soooooo, our winners so far have been JR (roeder style) and Michielle DOLL FACE!~!!! Who will be next?!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........well, this challenge is ANOTHER quiz - HOWEVER - we will be taking the 12th correct entry!! YES, that means you could enter TWELVE times - but the 12th person to correctly answer these questions will be a winner!! (i'm feeling a little like a radio d.j.!!! Just call me Dancin' Don Hall....does that take anyone back to the KKRD days?!!) okay - so, this one is for my MIL - she LOVES and I MEAN ABSOLUTELY LOVES "It's a Wonderful Life".....we have to watch it AT LEAST FIVE times each year IN ADDITION to each time it's on during the month of December!! I knew ALL of these answers withOUT cheating or google-ing them!! So, good luck!!!!
In "It's a Wonderful Life",
1. what did George dream of becoming?
2. who starred as George Bailey?
3. what two friends share their names with two Sesame Street Characters?
4. what part of George's house is always broken?
5. what kind of spirit is Clarence?
6. what did Clarence receive for accomplishing his mission?
7. how did Clarence cleverly save George's life? (this one is tricky - saved his life the FIRST time!!)
8. who lost $8000.00 ?
okay - now I know that these are not the EASIEST questions - HOWEVER - this is helping to get you in the Christmas spirit - correct? AND it' PROBABLY helping to take your mind off whatever could possibly be stressing you out at this point - correct?? SOOOOOO, good luck!!!
We'll also have a SCRAPBOOKING challenge that will be occurring tomorrow as well, My Renee is working on it right now as we speak for us to post for you tomorrow - so be watching for that!!! This challenge will be due by the end of the 12 days of Christmas sale - so you'll have time to complete it!!
OOOOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah - tomorrows SALE is:
ALL Cats Eye, Stickles and Paint Dabbers
Buy TWO get ONE FREE!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:47 PM 1 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:08 AM 4 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
WOW!! What a GREAT start to our 12 Days of Christmas Sale!! MANY of you took advantage of some early shopping with our CRICUT cartridge sale today!! THANK YOU!!! (for those of you that came by the store and made a PURCHASE of $50.00 or more - you will have your "attic BUX" waiting for you at the store next time you're in!!) It is for the ENTIRE purchase - not just for our Gift Certificates!! So, keep that in mind while you're doing your shopping!!
Okay - so tomorrow is Tuesday December 11th.....which means ALL of our Bazzill Cardstock – Buy TEN sheets – get FIVE free!!!! This is always a BIG day - so get in while you can!!! Stock up now on those upcoming projects!!!
Congratulations to JR (roeder!) for her WONDERFUL version of Dominic the Donkey (which happens to be Renee's FAVORITE Christmas song btw!)!! I think its AWESOME that Jennifer MUSTERED (is that how you spell that!? Or is it like "mustard"!?!?) up the enthusiasm to sing us a CHRISTMAS SONG!! Since she HATES Christmas music!! So, that was a BONUS in my book!! Jennifer won the new Cosmo Cricut paper pack!! It will be waiting for you next time you're in my dear!!!
So, here's your next challenge!! I'm giving you a head start on this one - cuz we might all have a SLOW START to our morning tomorrow with the weather!!! This is a Christmas Trivia quiz. You must answer ALL of the questions correctly!!!! You can either call or come by or email us with your answers.....the first correct winner wins!! We will post the winner as soon as they have won so that you don't have to STRESS over it!! (cuz you know you will be....those competitive ones of you out there hmmmhmmm....dana!!!)
These are all from the "Twas the Night Before Christmas song/story"!! So, get to singin it in your heads!!! GOOD LUCK!
1.What is the name of the first reindeer Santa calls in The Night Before Christmas?
2.Where did Santa land his sleigh in "The Night Before Christmas"?
3.What one reindeer is never mentioned in "The Night Before Christmas"?
4.In The Night Before Christmas, where were the stockings hung?
5.In The Night Before Christmas I sprang from my bed to see what?
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 6:19 PM 2 comments
CONGRATULATIONS to Jennifer Roeder - She was the first person to call this morning and sing us a ditty! LOL - You should try to do that Professionally!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:07 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
12 Days of Christmas Sale!
Our 12 days of Christmas sale kicks off on MONDAY December 10th! Make sure to mark your calendars for these special sales going on EACH day for TWELVE days!!!
Monday December 10th
(no punches are given on your Scrap*Funattic punch card!)
Tuesday December 11th
Bazzill Cardstock – Buy TEN sheets – get FIVE free!!
Wednesday December 12th
ALL Cats Eye, Stickles and Paint Dabbers
Buy TWO get ONE FREE!!!
Thursday December 13th
Ribbon by the yard – Buy TWO yards get ONE yard FREE!!
Friday December 14th
ALL Magazines and Idea Books 40% off!!
Saturday December 15th
Adhesive……Buy a Refillable Dispenser – get the refill for ½ off!!
OR all other Adhesives 25% off!
(this includes Xyron!!)
Sunday December 16th
ALL Brads and Eyelets – Buy TWO get ONE free!
Monday December 17th
40% off ANY ONE item of your choice!
(excluding all Epson, Cricut and Wishblade Products!)
Tuesday December 18th
$5.00 off ANY Album of your choice!
Buy ONE pkg of Page Refills and get ONE ½ off!
Wednesday December 19th
ALL Apparel 30% off!
Thursday December 20th
Crop A Dile….Buy the PINK CropADile and get the case ½ off
Take $5.00 off the Green CropADile!!
Friday December 21
ALL Fiskars Hand Punches Buy ONE get ONE free!!
Every Day of the 12days of Christmas – take an ADDITIONAL 10% off of all CLEARANCE merchandise!!
Also during the week of 12 days of Christmas…..for every $50.00 purchase you make (including Gift Certificates!) you will receive $5.00 in “Attic Bux”!!!
NOW - for you loyal blog readers - we had such a HUGE success with our "Boggle boggle boggle" on black friday - each day of our 12 days of christmas sale - we'll be having special giveaways for you guys too!! (only one winner per day - AND the same person cannot win more than once this week!!) - i hope that made sense, cuz it's late and my mind isn't working like it should!! NO COMMENTS!!!!
The first person to call or come in to the store and sing a PORTION (you don't have to sing the entire song!) but sing a PORTION of DOMINIC THE DONKEY to Renee will win a FABULOUS gift from the attic!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:09 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Baby it's COLD outside.......(singalong with me - you too Jennifer - come on - LOUDER!!).....the evening has it's BAD out there.....(sing it BARRY!).......I've got to go's up to your KNeEs out there!!!......... I LOVE this time of year!! LOVE this weather!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! I know - not ALL of you like this weather - like Sarah - she HATES being this cold. but BRING ON THE SNOW!!!!!
So, hows your week going? Ours is never dull, as usual!!! Personally - thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and concerns for my father in law!! He is recovering, still in the hospital - had a few complications - collapsed lung, low blood pressure, etc. - but HOPEFULLY will get to go home tomorrow (cross your fingers!)....I'm hoping he gets to come home, cuz I need someone to break in the "transmission" that Santa is bringing for Christmas!!! (it's really a Wii - but we're calling it a transmission so we can freely talk about it in front of the chillin!!!).....but I'm wanting him to learn how to play all the games so we can bust that thing out on Christmas day and start to play it without having to read through tons of manuals?!!?! So pray for "us" that he gets out soon!!!!
Mom is gearing up for her vacation to MEHICO (yes, I know it's meXico - but you have to say it "meHico"!!!)....she and my dad are going to celebrate his retirement!! FUN FUN!! Sarah and I are SO wishing we were able to go - unfortunately for us - our budget did NOT allow for that right now!!! So, we'll be thinking of her while shes gone - they leave next weekish!
Okay - now - some of you have mentioned the "Dare" challenges that we started a few WEEKS ago.....we're going to RE-START them in January - with the holidays and the rushle, bustle and custle (HHAAAA!!!) we're gonna NOT have challenges for you right now!! So, take a break - but GET READY in January - I've been setting aside some GOOD prizes for that!!! We'll be starting over with the first three we had in the beginning.....
I've updated the January class calendar online - so check it out. I'm REALLY excited about the new year - fresh NEW start - NEW classes - FUN FUN!! Space is limited so check it out asap!!!
Kristy has made some more tins - she is SO talented!!! I just love her tins!!! You'll have to come in and see them - they're only 5.99 - you pay that much for gift wrap, or a sack and bow - so get one and re-use it over and over!!!
Fancy Pants arrived today - we're already restocking the Holly Jolly line - and this time we got the Stick Pins and the Felt and GIANT chipboard shapes - they are SOOOOOO cute!!!
Oh - and the new Reminise Candy Cane Lane Line - Renee"whipped" up a very cute layout - I'll post it later on - when I have my camera here!!!
I had so much more to say - but for some reason I'm hitting a wall right now - so I'm going to close and come back later!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 12:41 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007
Long time no post!! Things have just been FLYING by.....not real sure WHATs been accomplished just feeling like a "hamster on a wheel" (to quote Jana!).........I personally can use lots and lots of prayers sent my father in law is in the hospital - had open heart surgery (double bi-pass) Friday and is recovering!! So, a wild weekend, we had!!!
But, I have been blogging to you in my HEAD?!! Does that count? Does it count that I'm adding it to my to do list EVERY DAY!?!? I think that should count for something!!!
First, I want to update you on the donations that Scrap*Funattic has made on YOUR behalf!!!
***From Crop*A*Ganza, we donated $200.00 to BOTH the Leukemia and Lymphoma society and the Children's Miracle Network.
***From Scrap*Pink we donated $265.00 to Susan G. Komen and we have donated $300.00 to date to the Victory in the Valley for the Fight Like a Girl shirts. We will continue to donate each month for the proceeds from the shirts!!!
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! There's no greater feeling than donating time and/or money to a great cause!!!
Next up - the Ganza T-Shirt Contest - WE FINALLY ARE READY TO ANNOUNCE OUR WINNERS!!!
Yep, I said winnerS....we had a TIE!! THEY don't even know they won yet.........For the FRONT of the shirt Design - Heather Carrier!!!! WE LOVED THE "Slippery when wet" idea that you submitted!!! CONGRATULATIONS HEATHER!!!
And for the "lingo" on the back of the shirt - the winner is: Dawn Hungate!!!! We LOVED the verbage that you and your SCRUBBY worked on and thought it was PERFECT!! You are all going to LOVE the shirts this year!! BOTH of these ladies will receive a FREE CROP*A*GANZA T-Shirt!!! Thank you!!!!
I'm getting with Two Chicks this week to finalize the decisions that we made - as well as the goodie bags - we're doing things a tad bit different this year!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH LADIES (ALL OF YOU!) FOR YOUR SUBMISSIONS, we had TONS of them and are VERY APPRECIATIVE for all of your ideas!!!! (My favorite "illustration" HAD to be the fax I received from SHANDRA!! YOU CRACK ME UP SISTER!!!!!)
I have to get the website updated - there are several crops coming up in the new year that I'm SURE you're going to enjoy!! So, thats a task for tomorrow after JAZZERCISE!! (yep - I joined back - I just HAD to go back to something that was CONSTANT and FAMILIAR in my life!! - does that make any sense?!?!)
I hope you ALL had a wonderful Thanksgiving.......are your holiday decorations up yet??? Who's done with their holiday shopping??????? (Dana - you don't count!! HA)
I'm also working on the January calendar this week - so hopefully that will start to get published via our website!!!
We have our FINAL Digi class tomorrow night - and I'm looking forward to the next one - so that I can take it and feel like I KNOW WHATS going on!!!! jana really has done a great job!!
I'm feeling SO overwhelmed lately - I hope that you aren't - stop and take a minute for yourself and remember the small details!!! More later!!! Have a great day!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 3:20 PM 6 comments
Friday, November 30, 2007
Is anyone out there?
This is a very busy time of year for all of us, so just remember to enjoy each and every day! Try not to let the stress of the season ruin the season!
The sale in our crop room has been going on since Wednesday and a lot of stuff is gone! BUT........anything that is left, will be 40% off thru Sunday! and all of the paper in the sale will be
10 sheets for $1.00 ! WOW !! can't beat that!
Are you wanting scrapbook supplies for Christmas? We can do a "wish list" for you so that your friends and family can come in and shop for you.........or, we all like Gift Certificates of all kinds....they always "fit" !
Hope to see you soon !
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 7:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:30 PM 1 comments