Has it really been since December 14th that i updated the blog? Are you still out there? Do you even still check back to see if MAYBE she's updated the blog? MAYBE she's had something important to share? a great NEW product thats a MUST SEE!! ANNNNND then again - maybe she's forgotten all about us!?!?
NEVER!! i could NEVER forget about you - MY FELLOW SCRAPBOOKING BLOG STALKERS!?!? Although i'm SURE there has NOT been much stalking going on lately!! I apologize - life as i have known it has EXCEEDED the amount of SUPA business that i had expected......not real sure what IF ANYTHING that i've accomplished over the last two months - all i know is that (to quote a good friend) ;) my plate is WAY full (like the size of the plate is a buffet and it's OVERFLOWING!) and i'm going to have to DUMP something from my plate, cuz i'm FULL!!!!!!
I usually try to "recap" what's been going on since the last time i have blogged, but lets face it here folks - there's not enough TIME nor can i RECALL that far back!! Soooooooo let's start fresh!!!
Here's whats happening around the attic; as of lately!!!
GANZA IS QUICKLY APPROACHING!!! YES - WE'VE HAD SOME CANCELLATIONS!!!! (that's both good and bad!) I hate when croppers have to cancel, yet i love to call the waiting list ladies and make their day!!! So - it's bittersweet!! I have NOT MADE ANY OFFICIAL CALLS TO FILL THE CANCELLED SEATS YET!!!!!!!!!!! So - if you're one of (many) anxious croppers that are wondering "where you are on the waiting list" - you're not alone!! Im working on that tonight and will be starting to contact you tomorrow!!! Be patient with me!! I start at the top, and work my way down - i give each waiting list person at least 24 hours to contact me, and we work VERY hard to contact you - via facebook, email and phone if we have all that information!!! You are MORE than welcome to call or email me to inquire where you are on the list - we don't mind that at all!! I understand you're anxious and curious!! WE WANT YOU TO GET IN!!! In the past - we've made it through the ENTIRE waiting list!!! (there have been at the most - 25 people on the list at once!) hang in there - chances are good!!!
Which brings me to another topic i want to discuss. If you KNOW you aren't going to make it to ganza NOW - please call and cancel!! The sooner you cancel - the better chance you have of receiving a FULL discount!! That's right!! IF we can fill your spot - FULL refund back to you!!! PLEASE call us and let us know you're unable to attend - so WE can fill your spot!! We have approx. 18 people on our waiting list and they have been on that list for about 4 months!! So, it's only fair to give them the first opportunity!!!!
SHIRTS!! that's our next topic!!! Ganza shirts - if you haven't ordered yours yet - there's still time!!!! Here's a pic of the actual shirt!! We're offering long sleeve, short sleeve and hoodie sweatshirts too!!! They are pink with brown art. Scrappin' Boot Camp had the honors of creating our shirts this time!! Love working with Cara and Cheryl!!
These shirts are a soft pink!!
When is Ganza??? February 5th, 6th and 7th!!
What is the theme? COFFEE!! - DUH!!
We have some SUPER surprises and good times ahead for you - and beginning this week, you'll start receiving emails about ganza - so be on the lookout!!
Fall ganza for 2010 is scheduled for SEPTEMBER 10th, 11th and 12th! YES you read that right - SEPTEMBER - NOT AUGUST!! (you're welcomeeeeeeee ;0 )
We have received some new schtuff in this week - but you're not gonna get that "411" just yet!! gotta make sure you're out there - reading this, and that i still have my little audience of 4!!! So - drop me a comment - let me know you're there - let me know you wanna read more on the blog - is this even an avenue people keep up with anymore? would you rather just find the information on facebook and newsletters?!?! i'd like to know - honest abe!!!
Has it really been since December 14th that i updated the blog? Are you still out there? Do you even still check back to see if MAYBE she's updated the blog? MAYBE she's had something important to share? a great NEW product thats a MUST SEE!! ANNNNND then again - maybe she's forgotten all about us!?!?
NEVER!! i could NEVER forget about you - MY FELLOW SCRAPBOOKING BLOG STALKERS!?!? Although i'm SURE there has NOT been much stalking going on lately!! I apologize - life as i have known it has EXCEEDED the amount of SUPA business that i had expected......not real sure what IF ANYTHING that i've accomplished over the last two months - all i know is that (to quote a good friend) ;) my plate is WAY full (like the size of the plate is a buffet and it's OVERFLOWING!) and i'm going to have to DUMP something from my plate, cuz i'm FULL!!!!!!
I usually try to "recap" what's been going on since the last time i have blogged, but lets face it here folks - there's not enough TIME nor can i RECALL that far back!! Soooooooo let's start fresh!!!
Here's whats happening around the attic; as of lately!!!
GANZA IS QUICKLY APPROACHING!!! YES - WE'VE HAD SOME CANCELLATIONS!!!! (that's both good and bad!) I hate when croppers have to cancel, yet i love to call the waiting list ladies and make their day!!! So - it's bittersweet!! I have NOT MADE ANY OFFICIAL CALLS TO FILL THE CANCELLED SEATS YET!!!!!!!!!!! So - if you're one of (many) anxious croppers that are wondering "where you are on the waiting list" - you're not alone!! Im working on that tonight and will be starting to contact you tomorrow!!! Be patient with me!! I start at the top, and work my way down - i give each waiting list person at least 24 hours to contact me, and we work VERY hard to contact you - via facebook, email and phone if we have all that information!!! You are MORE than welcome to call or email me to inquire where you are on the list - we don't mind that at all!! I understand you're anxious and curious!! WE WANT YOU TO GET IN!!! In the past - we've made it through the ENTIRE waiting list!!! (there have been at the most - 25 people on the list at once!) hang in there - chances are good!!!
Which brings me to another topic i want to discuss. If you KNOW you aren't going to make it to ganza NOW - please call and cancel!! The sooner you cancel - the better chance you have of receiving a FULL discount!! That's right!! IF we can fill your spot - FULL refund back to you!!! PLEASE call us and let us know you're unable to attend - so WE can fill your spot!! We have approx. 18 people on our waiting list and they have been on that list for about 4 months!! So, it's only fair to give them the first opportunity!!!!
SHIRTS!! that's our next topic!!! Ganza shirts - if you haven't ordered yours yet - there's still time!!!! Here's a pic of the actual shirt!! We're offering long sleeve, short sleeve and hoodie sweatshirts too!!! They are pink with brown art. Scrappin' Boot Camp had the honors of creating our shirts this time!! Love working with Cara and Cheryl!!

When is Ganza??? February 5th, 6th and 7th!!
What is the theme? COFFEE!! - DUH!!
We have some SUPER surprises and good times ahead for you - and beginning this week, you'll start receiving emails about ganza - so be on the lookout!!
Fall ganza for 2010 is scheduled for SEPTEMBER 10th, 11th and 12th! YES you read that right - SEPTEMBER - NOT AUGUST!! (you're welcomeeeeeeee ;0 )
We have received some new schtuff in this week - but you're not gonna get that "411" just yet!! gotta make sure you're out there - reading this, and that i still have my little audience of 4!!! So - drop me a comment - let me know you're there - let me know you wanna read more on the blog - is this even an avenue people keep up with anymore? would you rather just find the information on facebook and newsletters?!?! i'd like to know - honest abe!!!
Well, i stalk you regularly, and have been waiting patiently for a post, but no!! No posts. So, then I will have to wing it and see what is new on the shelfs for myself, my terrible toddler and all!! I hope there's some new Basic Grey there because I am coming in tomorrow to find out, lol!! No calling in sick to avoid me, that wouldn't be fair...
Take Care,
I read it! I have a favs list that I check most days to see if there is an update! :)
I too am a blog stalker. Thanks for the post and the update on fall CAG. Maybe some of my amigos will come since school will have started. I like class and product updates as well as personal stuff (like when you posted about the boys and Halloween, birthdays, etc.
I have been meaning to drop you a note and let you know they are going to be canceling fb accounts and blogs that are not updated on a regular basis. So you might want to stay on top of it! You only need two or three hours of sleep a night right!? By the way, why no more layout challenges? I know.. I don't do them but I like to see what everybody else does!
I still love the blog world so i check it - have to stay off facebook or it sucks you in . . . and at least I learn a little checking some of my favorite blogs - scrapping ideas, house design and recipes are my favs - so yes, I still check yours!
I read it!!! I read it all the time I swear! Love the blog, love the store, love all of you girls, I just love it all!
NOOOOOO!!!! Don't stop blogging!!! This is one of my daily stops on the computer :) Have a fabulous day!
Yeah for September! I am going to start counting down now, I'm so bummed I can't go in Feb.
This is my first trip to your blog, but I have added it to MyYahoo page, so I will be able to keep up. Thanks for the info...
I checked your blog at least once a day and sometimes more. Please keep this blog updated! :)
Keep it coming...I stalk this blog at least 3-4 times weekly.. FB is great but this gives me more insight and definitely more personality!!
P.S. Dump the plate and start new!
I just want to let you know that this is Smelli.....I don't know how to change my name from Kiki to Kelli on here. I am posting again to not stop blogging.......when I read your posts I can actually "hear" you saying everything you typed! I miss hearing you talk! Hope it's not selfish to want you to keep on keeping on!!!!! Have a supah (your word) day :)
Yes...was wondering if you left us out here to sink! J/K! Knew you were alive since I read you FB! I have been checking daily (almost) so was glad to see something new! I know what you mean about updating the was my new year res to keep mine up and I have yet to post anything new this year! CANNOT wait for ganza and NO i will not be cancelling...although i will have to bail for a while...winter homecoming..of all the nerve of NWHS! they should of checked with me! Toodles...
I am definitely a blog follower, I have you on my Google Reader! I will be happy whenever you update! I love hearing about new products and events.
Welllll my friend I have missed you MUUUUCHES!!! My blog has been slacking lately too so I know the feeling of having it loom over your head and just not having the time to devote but please keep em comin sista....In your spare time, right? see you soon
Please keep blogging! You are on the list of blogs I check daily...I drive my hubby nuts when I find an excuse to have to drive to Wichita because of something that was said on the blog!
I check the blog regularly! I always go to it if I'm searching for an answer to something, a date for some event or just some news from the Attic! I love hearing the latest news on the new stuff... I rarely make it in so it's always great to read about it and see pix of it!
I follow you on FB, but also love getting more details from the blog and of course the pictures!!! Understand that life is crazy and can't always the same boat...but love reading updates!!!
I have to admit I'm a blogg stalker also. I have to say I'm glad you've posted something new a person can only read the Dec 14th blog so many times!!! ; ) This is where I get more detailed information so pleeease!! Blog!!
Take Care Diana
Don't stop blogging!! I'm with Kelli, I can HEAR your voice say all that stuff (which makes me have to read it REALLY FAST! HA!).
I have to admit that I think I'm a bigger fan of blogs than facebook. Fb can get a little overwhelming sometimes and you might "miss" something! I know what you mean about being behind. If it makes you feel any better, I just finished Thanksgiving on my blog!:) Can't wait til Cropaganza!
Thank You for sharing information
I follow your blog too! Love the bits of information and really... your style of writing Steff just energizes me! :)
Where the heck are you????? Missing your blog posts!
Please, Please don't stop. I check your site at least every-other day. Maybe update the Ganza part to this crop instead of August 2009 would be good so if we tell someone to check out the website they can see some pictures or something like that of crops and how much fun we all have. Love the blog though so please don't change it.
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