Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Andddd, i shouldn't be posting this - DL is gonna kill me....she hasn't even had a chance to receive it yet - but SOMETHING WONDERFUL CAME TODAY!! IT WILL BE READY TOMORROW!! i'll tell you then!!!
And, on a personal note - have to give a shout out to my baby brother!! As some of you may know - he is/was in a band called Moving Rushmore.....he's since moved to KC, MO to work on his music career....so now he's working with Tim and they have started a "side project" of Moving Rushmore ..... their new name is "Sidetrack Monday" ..... they are going to start having FREE music downloads on their websites every monday - beginning September 29th.....check it out!! My favorite song is "Freakin' Me Out" i hope he posts that one FIRST!!! YEAH BROTHER - so proud of you!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 3:21 PM 0 comments
how was your weekend?!?!
We've got lots going on here that we're trying to prepare for...here are some dates/events you're gonna want to remember:
SCRAP*PINK weekend!!! This is the weekend crop that we have here at the store.....from NOON to midnight on Friday the 26th, and from 9:00am - midnight on Saturday the 27th. You can crop till you drop - plus have the store at your disposal!!! We are going to be including a snack bucket for your enjoyment AND soda's!!! I've already received your Scrap*Pink Gift that we are giving you for signing up AND a portion of the proceeds collected from the crop will go to the Susan G. Komen foundation!!!! It's a great cause, you'll get some great time to scrap and meet some new friends!! We still have a few seats open - so if you're interested please give us a call this week!!!!
Secondly - the Garage Sale is coming up NEXT WEEKEND!!! The 4th of October is the FIRST day!! IF you're participating in the garage sale - we need to have your form filled out and PAID by the 1st of October!!!! It's $15.00 to participate, AND you receive 100% store credit for everything you sell!!.... for more information - call and visit with one of us!! 316-733-0029 ....... if you have already signed up - you should have received your "labels" in the mail by now......make sure you price EACH item that you are selling. You can start dropping your items off on Wednesday of NEXT WEEK - that is the 1st of October!!!! We have quite a few people signed up and some NEWBIES as well as some SEASONED sellers!!!
Photo 101 is coming up on the 11th of October.....this is THE class for you to learn how to better utilize the manual features on your camera....this is a SIX week class, including a field trip or two(every saturday beginning 10/11) from 10:00am - noon......$120.00 and you will NOT regret it!! Our first photo 101 class has started a PHOTO CLUB that meets once a month, keeping their skills fresh and useful!!! If you're curious if this class is RIGHT for you - call and chat with one of us!!
I don't have any fun pictures for this post - bummer!!! i will work on that this week!! OH - if you left a CASE at Crop*A*Ganza full of chipboard shapes and letters - and you were sitting on the stage - call me - i have it!! AND - we also picked up a TRASH BUCKET at Julie's jewelry booth.....whose that belong to!?!?!?
Dancing with the Stars starts TONIGHT!! I'm SOOOO SupA excited!!! As well as all the NEW SHOWS begin this week - i need to get my dvr cleared out and ready to go!!! Oh- and CSI...i wonder if Horatio is REALLY DEAD?!?! kelli - what do you think!?!?
Wanna give a HUGE shout out to our girl RENEE - she ran a HALF MARATHON ON SUNDAY!! SHE REALLY DID IT!! YOU GO GIRL - WE ARE SOOO PROUD OF YOU!! :)
Alsoooooooooooooooooooooooooo, we have TWO openings for Maple Memories weekend on October 17,18 and 19th......if you interested in going EMAIL ME!!! scrapfunattic@cox.net
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:17 PM 0 comments
I've got a HUGE blog post in my MIND - just takin me a little while to get it on here!!
BUT - while you wait....some NEW stuff arrived over the weekend!!!
BUTTONS, BUTTONS, and MORE BUTTONS!!! (even brown ones Heather - wish you were here!!)
ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DRUM ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and oh my goodness - just when you think they CANNOT do ANY BETTER!! These lines are GORGEOUS!!!
AND - My Little Yellow Bicycle - HALLOWEEN is here - AWESOME!!!
I will be back with a recap of ganza....and some other stuff later on tonight or tomorrow!! we had a blast and i took LOADS of pictures this time!!! Some of them are HILARIOUS (smelli!) hee hee!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 4:38 PM 0 comments
I just sent out a newsletter to ya'll about ganza - if you don't subscribe to it - click here to read it!!
Those of you that have sent emails with special requests - i haven't had time to reply but rest assured if we have it - i'm bringing it and kristy will have it at the booth when you arrive!!!
make sure you read the newsletter - so you don't get "left out in the rain"!!!
i gotta run - i'm at the store after dropping the kids off at school and have to get BACK out the BW before our vendors arrive!!
see you all soooon!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:46 AM 0 comments