Thursday, February 7, 2008

Good evening!!! Well, it's 10:30 and we're FINALLY calling it a night!! Been working NON STOP since about 2ish.....the WHOLE family!!!

We had a few set backs today.....a sick employee, so THANK GOD for my IN-LAWS to the rescue!!! They came up and entertained the kiddos all evening!!!! I type, the kiddos are bathed and in bed....I'm POOPED!!...Sarah is sleeping (probably snoring...she's not feeling too well?!?!!)...and my DH is out there chasing ALL the balloons that have DRIFTED UP TO THE CEILING!!! :) gotta love a man that'll go to THOSE lengths for a crazy weekend crop!!!
No matter WHICH room you're in (not that you SHOULD know that information!), but come to the LARGE ATRIUM at the end of the hotel to check in and we'll let you know where you're sitting from there!!!

I hope to get to post more later on this weekend, but if not - i'll be back on Monday fer sure!!!Here's some pics for your viewing pleasure!!! I know, some of them are REALLY blurry - but with the poor lighting and the flash action - they're just gonna have to work!
Here is what the room looked like when we FIRST began!
Here is the view of the REGENCY room (the second room that we opened!)

Thank God for in-laws!!

The guys - having fun with the helium tank!! It also could be that Rocky taught them how to inhale the helium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee and I had SO much fun picking out these FUN 80's themed balloons!!!

Here's the room before bed time!!!!


Michielle said...

Thanks Steff for giving us a sneaky peaky!!! Man, I hope that Sarah gets to feeling better soon......and no one else gets sicko!!! I know that you guys have worked very hard for this weekend......THANK YOU!!! I have my scrappin stuff ready to load and will finish packing my suitcase in the morning. Getting ready to head to bed now.....(Hey, your Father-In-Lay is VERY handsome!!!) Ha!!! Sweet Dreams Love ya, Michielle

Yami said...

WHOO HOOO!!! I am soooo excited! Can't wait to see it all IRL!!! Thanks for the updaties!! ;)

Heather Dawn said...

We're packed and ready to go, with plenty of time to spare!!!! Soooo excited...whoop, there it is!!! Oh wait, that might have been a 90's song!?! I am soo excited, See you Friday!

P.S.S. Thanks for the Sneaks!

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo we're so excited. We are packed (well I am LOL) and ready to go. See ya soon.

aday said...

I will miss you all please enjoy yourselves and rock it out for me!

Michielle said...

OMG.....I'm sooo sorry!!! I just read my blog from last night!!! HA!! I meant to say that your 'Father-In-Law' was VERY handsome'!!!! OOPS!!! How embarrassing!!! soooo embarrassed!!! I guess I was very very tired last night!!!