AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hate NEWSLETTERS!!! This newsletter CRUD (pardon my french!) is torkin me off!!! If you received our first newsletter - the link (for some unknown reason) isn't working - so here it is via our website :http://scrapfunattic.com/Calendar/Default.aspx hopefully that will work!!! It was a lot easier to do this calendar than the one we were previously using - but if it's not gonna work - that ain't NO GOOD!!!! :)
Soooooo, just sent a correction newsletter out and it's not showing that it went successfully - AHHHHH!! I'm gonna give it some more time before i go nutty!!
Also - the garage sale - BEGINS Sunday APRIL 20th - Friday APRL 25th - ONLY FIVE DAYS!!!! You need to have your stuff up to us by the end of business on SATURDAY the 19th.....you can begin dropping off your stuff for the sale the week of the 14th!!! I hope this clears everything up!! I HATE clogging up your email boxes - and hate EVEN more when I screw something up and have to send out TWO !!!!! sorry!!! :)
We got some new BAZZILL albums today!! Can't wait to see them!!! I know we're expecting a pretty big order from two different companies this week - but not gonna tell you WHAT and WHO until it's IN THE BUILDING!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:08 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
So, here's what we got in....NOW - you must know - as with ALL scrapbooking companies - NOT ALL OF IT ARRIVES AT ONCE!!! So, when I say we got "these" collections in, please know that not ALL of it may be here!!!!

About a Boy
Daydreams (this line just SCREAMS spring to me!!...Brynn, was this the line you were excited about?!?!)
Each of the lines has (with the exception of Papa) 12x12 overlays, Ribbon and Rub Ons!
Fashion Sense.....I AM SO IN LOVE WITH FELT!!! I'm hoping that more and more companies start to come out with felt...like HS!! (we've ordered her's already!) those of us with boys - this is a MUST have - it's so nice to see companies starting to make some SUPA cute BOY stuff!!!

Then, we received the CHANDELIER charms!! I'm SO loving these!! (here's a little hint - we are working on ordering something similar to this in the upcoming weeks for you to "scrapbook outside the box" with!!) We got ALL of the colors of these in!

The NEW Tote-Ally Cool totes!! I am SO loving the VIBRANT blue that this comes in!!

This also came today!! NEW from We R Memory Keepers, The Ultimate Cutting Kit!!!

OKay - I'm beat - gotta get home and fix dinner and work on the upcoming newsletter!! Come and visit us and see the GIRLS IN ACTION this weekend - getting all the new stuff out!!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 4:52 PM 6 comments
Oh my gosh - did you see the ticker for ganza?? Exactly THREE months away!! Sarah - start to panic!! :)
This is a quick/short post (I WILL be back later on this afternoon with more goodies!) But we have TWO openings for our MINI WEEKEND NO FRILLS CROP this weekend!! We had two cancellations yesterday and are ready for TWO more to fill the spots!!! This is the weekend crop - with NO FRILLS!! Just time for you to CROP till you DROP!!! It begins tomorrow night (friday) at 5:00 and runs until midnight - then starts again at 9:00am - till midnight Saturday!!! That's 22 HOURS of cropping!! I'm SO wishing I could sign up!!! :) All for $20.00
Give us a call at the store to reserve your spot!!! 316-733-0029
I'll be back soon with pictures and gossip and A CHALLENGE (thanks to Heather!) for ya!!!! We are getting SOME MORE NEW STUFF IN TODAY....I wanna make sure it arrives before I tell you!!!! More later! peace out!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:14 AM 7 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The new My Minds Eye is in the house!!!! It is gorgeous! We have the 29th Street Market line as well as the Just Dreamy lines, and all the "accessories" that compliment each paper line!! It has taken Renee, Kristy and myself the last 2 days to get it all entered into the computer and put out in the "puzzle" of a display................but ohhhhhhh it was SO worth the work!!
We also have new colors in the Bo Bunny "dots" cardstock as well as 2 new lines from
Bo Bunny. "Star Struck-Sweet Baby Boy" and " Teen Chic" ........they are darn cute too!!
New American Crafts paper has arrived and we have a STORE FULL of Prima Flowers !!(Hey Steff, whats up with that? We are swimming in flowers!)
The new Amy Butler Bag is here and I HAVE TO HAVE IT !! It is called "dancing mums" and is a gorgeous combination of blue/brown/green/white !!
We have new American Crafts leather D'Ring albums that are great and so user friendly!!
The American Crafts Thickers are restocked! some are new too! felt and glitter!
OK......I might not be as "flamboyant" a blogger as Steff is, but I get the job done huh?
We at the "Attic" hope you all enjoy your Easter with your family and friends.......we will be closed so that we too can enjoy!!
DL (aka MOM)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:43 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
UN-DU IS BACK IN THE HOUSE!!!!! (or in this case back at The Attic!!) Come and get yours today!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 2:04 PM 4 comments
hello blog stalkers, this is Renee and I am HIJACKING the Attic Blog!! HAHA! Just wanted to update you all on what is happenin' this week here at the Attic! New arrivals from CHA have begun to stream in! We have the new Teen Chic and Star Struck lines from Bo Bunny, new Bo Bunny rub-ons, The My Mind's Eye (yes! You read that right!!) display is up and anxiously awaiting 29th Street Market! WOO HOO! Lots of stuff has been restocked this week as well! The new American Crafts Thickers are here! As well as the Spring/Summer paper line! There are several more HUGE boxes in the back waiting to be unpacked... as I see new stuff I will update and fill you in!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:52 AM 2 comments

(this is the front!)

this is the back!
I LOVE YOU JANA!! Thank you so much for my BEAUTIFUL necklace - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!! Did I mention she made it!??! MADE THE NECKLACE!?!?
Oh, and jana - thanks also for COMPLETING my Toddle Time layouts - love you again! Okay - I'm off to the ZOO!!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:36 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Hello everyone!! Wanted to post this "THOUGHT" while I was having it......I have been contacted through a good friend - Christy Freeman - regarding a fabulous foundation that is just taking off and wanted some more support...........http://www.kyriefoundation.org/Site/home.html ..... visit this site if you have time....it's a great cause - AND scrapbookers are involved!! Rhonna Farrer has designed their shirt!! yeah!!
So, check it out!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 5:01 PM 3 comments
GOOD MORNING!!! How is everyone on this GORGEOUS "early" spring day!!??! Things are starting to turn green and smell wonderful, the birds are chirping - ahhhhh, spring is coming!! Get outside and take some BEAUTIFUL photos!!!
Okay - got all of that out of my system!! I've been busy "SPRING" cleaning - getting my crop area at home cleaned out and ready for Crop Camp, in THREE short weeks!!!....so, while doing that I realized that it's time for SOME of my stuff to JUST GO!! I have stuff that I just "had to have" at the time, and it's all still sitting in the package or even the SACK!! So, I'm getting BOXES and BOXES of stuff ready for our Garage Sale that we're having at the Attic in APRIL!!! Check out our class calendar online for the exact dates - i believe it's the 20th - 25th this year......you pay $10.00 to sign up and then we print you price labels to identify your "stuff" with - you price it and leave it for us and we get it all out and track it all for you!!! You get 100% store credit for all of you goods sold!.....for more information - call the store for further details!!!! We've already got about 5 peeps signed up - so it's gonna ROCK!!! I can't wait!!! I banked last time - and have managed to spend ALL of it already!!! :) tee hee!!!
Also - tomorrow nights FRIDAY NIGHT CROP - is NOT full YET!! Come crop with ME!!! We're gonna have a BLAST!!! I can't wait to pick back up where I left off from LAST weekend!!! Give us a call at the store and get signed up to come $5.00 - 733-0029
Okay - so, on a sad note - (it seems that there's lots of that lately) we need your prayers and support and thoughts for two of our fellow scrapbookers.
Missy Surmeier (I really hope I'm spelling Missy's name right - I haTE it when I mess that up!).....her father is ill and is not doing well - the doctors have all but said - it's going to be a higher power to pull him through - can you all please STOP what you're doing RIGHT NOW and say a little prayer for him - I don't know the exact details of his illness (has to do with his pancreas), so I don't want to mis-inform.....but please pray for him AND his family.
Shandra Hatfields mother passed away last night in Tulsa. (Shandra started Crop Camp years ago, for those of you that don't know WHO Shandra is) Shandra and her family are in Tulsa now, making arrangements...so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. On that same note - please be patient with Crop Camp at this time - Shandra is in charge of SO much that goes on with Crop Camp - so Kathy and Alicia will fill in as much as they can - but if you're trying to contact or make arrangements or get questions answered regarding Crop Camp - you can check out Alicia's blog HERE - or just be patient and give Shandra some time to get back to "reality".
We love and care for both of these ladies, and just REALLY believe in the power of prayer - so please pray for them.
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 12:13 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
okay- this is going to be a quick post - it's late and i have to get to bed - but promise to get back up on here later on! so, no pictures - just info!
NEW stuff that's arrived.....the PAGE MAPS BOOKS CAME YESTERDAY!! HHOOORRRRAYYYY!! I wasn't in the store today - so not sure HOW many Krusty sold, but we were down to like 12 left when I left last night!! I LOVE IT!! Have looked at it and renee had a FABuLOUS idea of what to do with the lil' cards in the back - she's gonna put them on a "ring" and carry them on her tool tote, so she'll have a "mobile" set of sketches with her at ALL times!! This is a MUST have if you're a sketch lover - especially a Page Maps sketch lover!!!
Also (thanks to JR for this one) .... we have the new Crackle Paints in !! These are SO fun!! Krusty was playing with some today - LOVE them!!!!
Like I mentioned before - I wasn't there today - so not sure what all else arrived, but will keep you updated!!!
Crop*A*Ganza, last head count - we only had like 30 spots available!!! I still have two vendor spots available as well!!! AND we have found a PEDICURE PERSON!!! So, bring on the pedi-s!!!! I'll fill you in on the details for that after I've had a chance to work it all out with HER - but it's someone you KNOW and TRUST!! :)
Ta-Ta for now!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:34 PM 5 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008

Ohhh, also wanted to let you all know - this past Crop*A*Ganza, we DOUBLED the amount of money that we raised for our RAFFLES!!! We donated $300.00 EACH...to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation!!! YEAH!!! Thanks to all of you that donated to the raffle!!! That's AWESOME!!!
Happy Birthday on Saturday to Miss ALICIA!!! We hope you have a SPLENDID day and get to do WHATEVER your heart desires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:17 PM 6 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 7:58 AM 10 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ALSO - today - the Amazing Grace line from Flair came!! I just love this line - so sweet and graceful!!!
We're excited for CROP CAMP!!! Coming up in APRIL!!! CanNOT wait for that!!!!
STILL LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO DO PEDICURES at Crop*A*Ganza SUMMER!?!!? ANYONE know of anyone interested in earning some DOUGH and doin some TOES?!?!?!
PS)....Dana called today from Old Navy - they have FLAMINGO tanks.....think SUMMER Ganza!!!!
Okay - I have to run for now - phones ringing!!! Peace out!
*****Also - guess what - thanks to KATHY JOHNSON....we found out that you can NOW GET UN-DU again!!! Yeah Jana!!!! Aren't you happy!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:27 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Good afternoon ladies!! Information on the Photography class.....talked with Kate - we are going to have the FIRST class on the 12th of April (cuz SOME of us will be at CROP CAMP and don't wanna miss out!)....still waiting to hear about the rest of the classes - but it will be from 10:00 AM - till noon - and will run for 5/6 weeks.........$120.00 (does not include the field trip at the end!)
Here's another photo tip for you!!!:
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:01 AM 1 comments