Krazy Katie the Scrapbook Lady will be there - and she is ReADy to go!! She's been planning some great games for you guys since Christmas!!! :) i am SUPER excited about the musical chairs again!!!!

Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 6:24 PM 0 comments
it's SUCH a gorgeous day in DO DAH!!! :) i love fridays.....not sure why really?!?! doesn't mean anything great and wonderful to me - but it always "feels" like a great day!!?!?
The FedX WOMAN came today - brought us some BAZZILL!!! FINALLY black cardstock!! don't know WHAT the dealio has been on our BLACK cardstock - but we were out of ALL OF IT!!! soooo, it's back - the tuelle, the stitches, piercer and PAPER!! (thanks krusty for keeping the BAZZILL wall lookin' purty!)
GANZA!!! exactly ONE WEEK from today - we will be "escapin'" at the Best Western!! Ahhhhhhh, canNOT wait!!! YES, the panic HAS set in, the stress HAS begun, i'm starting to FREAK out and worry - so that's always a good sign that things are right on track!!!! i've been in contact with the hotel and they are all set to go as well!!!
YES - you have ONE MORE DAY TO ORDER YOUR APPAREL!! TOMORROW IS THE FINAL DAY!!!! you can call and order, and pay AT ganza.........
One more thing.......PLEASE, PLEASE, please don't check into the crop room UNTIL NOON!! Please!!! It makes things SOOOOOOO much less stressfull for ME if you would wait until noon, when we're ready for you!!! For me, it's kinda like - the dinner party starts at 5:00pm - if you come at 4:30 - the house isn't SPOTLESS and PERFECT and READY for you!! I don't want anyone to see all the HAIRINESS that goes on behind the scenes - HA!! :) so - if you would please be so kind as to NOT check in until NOON!!!
Also - when you are checking in - it will be BEST if you PARK IN THE PARKING LOT, NOT IN THE GRASS.........the doors at the south end will be LOCKED and not able to be accessed - so you will need to either come in one of the two doors on the NORTH end (through the hotel) or through the side door and come in through the hallway?!?! I REALLY hope that makes sense to you!?!? No worries - i will be sending out an email with ALL of this information in it!!! I'm just trying to get all of this information out as it comes to mind!!!
The last crop we had ran SO SMOOTHLY!! i'm hoping that i'm updating everyone with enough information to avoid any hiccups and give you the BEST weekend!!!! Ohhh i know - sarah and i are going to Sam's next weekend.....WHAT snacks would you like to see in the hoRSpitality room!??!!? email me!! and let me know!!! :) okay - everyone have a FABULOUS weekend - GET YOUR SHIRTS ORDERED PRONTO!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:56 AM 0 comments
annnnd, so it begins!! here are a few of MANY MORE (im sure!) updates to come for ganza!!! We work VERY closely with the gang at the Best Western in Park City!! One of the reasons we continue to have it there time and time again, is because they are so great to work with!! They take really good care of us before, during and after our event!!! Sooooooo, with that - i would like it if you guys could help US out a little!!!
If you're staying at the hotel.....PLEASE do not attempt to check in BEFORE 3:00PM!!! You can check in with us in the Atrium, at noon - crop and then go and check into your hotel room!!! Please don't think, "well, i'm just one person, surely they'll let me check in"!! cuz you know there will be 10 others thinking and DOING that same thing!!!! Lets try and give Anna a little bit of a break, and check in at or after 3!! I would really appreciate this, greatly!!! :)
There are STILL a few rooms available in our block, if you're thinking about staying - just make sure and tell them you're WITH CROP*A*GANZA!!!!
(no worries - i'll be sending out, yet another, email with all of this in it again, if you wanna hear it over and over!!!!!)
You still have THREE DAYS TO ORDER SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS and PANTS!!!....Saturday the 31st is the ABSOLUTE LAST DAY TO ORDER THEM!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! :) (gah, this post kinda sounds bossy.......hmmm?!?! suri!)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:51 AM 0 comments
wanna hear something funny (now it's funny, not so much in my dream!)
So - i left my rolling laptop bag in Topeka at the DD crop this past weekend.......if you know me -you know i travel NO WHERE without my COMPUTER - NO WHERE!!! We get 1/2 way home and Vicki calls to tell me that i've left something IMPORTANT - the computer really is upsetting - i love my MAC!....however, this weekend, i took ALL (A*L*L*) of my Ganza stuff to work on and finalize - seating chart, apparel orders, REGISTRATION FORMS...alllllll of it!!! - GRACIOUSLY J.J. offers to take it UPS and OVERNIGHT IT TO ME!! So - i get home (sunday) and dream that it never shows - we "wing" it for ganza!?!?! 180 women - walking in (of course in the dream, it's ALL at once!) - and just wander around the room - trying to find a seat.....wanting to know WHERE their shirts are!??! OMG - it was horrible!!! (so- TAMMY - i've decided that NO seating chart next time, is NOT a good idea!!! LOL!!) BUT - brian came to the rescue and delivered my beloved MAC this morning - so NO WORRIES - it's all BACK under control!! Ohhhhh, thats funny stuff!!!!
okay - so some of you might know that THIS week, is the BIG CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) show in Anaheim, California.......and we are in KANSAS!! :) - several reasons, we had the Diva Designs crop last weekend, which was a BLAST!!! brother has 2 concerts THIS WEEKEND in KC .......... and GANZA IS LESS THAN 11 days away!! So - it just didn't work into our plans!! So - we've decided to watch from afar!!!
What are some of your favorite items/lines/products that you're seeing on your favorite scrapbook websites!??!!
I'd love to hear from you guys!!!
THE GLUE GLIDERS ARE HERE - JUST IN TIME FOR GANZA!!! YES!!!! Brian, the UPS guy - just arrived with FIVE boxes, so i gotta go and get back to work - but i wanted to PROVE to you all - that i really AM gonna blog to you more - you MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!! (ahhhh a lil sentimental!)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:08 AM 0 comments
i know -i know - i don't have an excuses - (really i do, but i personally hate it when people give them to me - so i'll spare you!)
mom and i are in Topeka, at the Diva Designs crop this weekend (our first time!) we are vendoring!! She's working on kits for the store and a birthday gift for my niece and me.....well - i'm working on GANZA stuff!! AND CLEANING OUT MY INBOX - returning emails and shopping for CHA!! :) sooooo - i am PROMISING YOU THAT YOU WILL BE GETTING AN UPDATE VERY SOON!!!
i worked all week long on the store - re-merchandising - wait - i should say this - SARAH and I WORKED ON THE STORE!! this is the fastest the stores' ever been "overhauled" - FIVE DAYS!!! just smyers and me!! :) so - you'll have to come in and look around.....clean and organized - ONCE again!!!
The girls are back runnin' the store and we're very thankful for that!!! so - i'm 'peacin' out' - gonna get back to work - but wanted to jump on here and BEG for your forgiveness!!!! Did you know you can receive "updates" when i update the blog???? click on the RSS feed in the top address bar of the blog and it will guide you the rest of the way! Pretty cool - it helps to keep you updated when all of your favorite blogs are updated - so you don't have to waste the time being let down when you click on OURS and see the SAME OLD POST!!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 12:40 PM 0 comments
YEP! 3 weeks till GANZA!! ( i put the word YEP there for my wonderful scrubbie!!....i was on the "CW" Wednesday doing a little segment on "holiday photos" to scrapbook.....he says that i said YEP tooooo much!!!) ANYWAY - getting back to ganza.....i know you're all LOOKING for a newsletter in your emailbox regarding GANZA - it IS coming....just not THIS week!!! I gotta have a lil break!!! So, mom and i are going to get "rejuvinated" and head to McPherson for a lil R&R at Maple Memories - then i'll come back RAREIN' to go and READY for GANZA ... as well as DIVA DESIGNS crop in Topeka on the 24th and 25th of this month!! This will be our FIRST time to attend their crop and we are SOOOO excited to get to go!!!
But - back to GANZA....i was talking with Becky Groom earlier this week, asking her if she was READY to go to ganza....she said she didn't have any "packing" to do...?!?! HUH!?!? WTH?!?! why not!??!?, i said!!!!!!!! SHE'S bringing ALLLLL of her albums, and ALLLLLL of her pictures and going to PUT THEM ON THE LAYOUTS!! Do you do that!??! just scrapbook either kits with no photos? or just complete the LAYOUT for the "Craft" of it and then go back and add your journaling later!??! So - i got to thinking.....for those people that either DON'T go to ganza (or any large crop for that matter) because they don't know HOW or WHERE to begin to pack for such an event - you could do just that - besides crop "from scratch", here are some ideas from fellow croppers that might work for you, or your friends!!:
*bring "just kits" - the "thinking" part is done, all that's left to do is the crafting part of it!!
*organize your albums, rearrange them in chronological order.
*concentrate JUST on the journaling part of know YOU'RE out there - those of you that dread the journaling part of it, and put it off till "later"!!! ( i personally think that the journaling is the BEST part of allll of it!)
*Organize your PHOTOS!! If you're REALLY behind and don't even know WHERE you'd begin to attend a crop and be productive - bring your photos (either DIGITAL (we have wireless) or the actual photos) and organize those!!! Complete with lil notes on the back of the photos to crop!
hopefully those will give SOMEONE out there an idea or two to make their weekend PRODUCTIVE!!! And remember, it doesn't ALL have to be about the actual CRAFT of it - it's also about being with fellow scrapbookers, friends and family!! RELAXING and enjoying your time at Ganza!!! :)
OkAy - since i haven't posted in a while (and feeling VERY GUILTY about that!) here's a FULL update on things that you may or may NOT wanna know!!!! Grab a beverage and sit back - i've been making lists!!!!! ( i love lists!)
******Cricut Class...did you get a CRICUT for CHRISTMAS!??! if so - come and take the Cricut 101 class with Kristy!!! There are only 2 spots remaining for this class!! If you purchased your Cricut through Scrap*Funattic - the class is FREEEEE! if you did not - the class is only $20.00!!! The class is Saturday January 24th from 3:00-5:00pm!! (software QUESTIONS will be allowed at the end of the class!)
******PJ CROP!! the crop that we're having on SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21st from 5:00pm till 5:00AM on the 22nd, fee $10.00 - ONLY ONE SPOT REMAINING!!!! YEP!! You read that right - ONE SPOT REMAINING!! YES we will be having another one - i'll get on the calendar SOON and schedule one!! (i'm the crazy one that came up with this idea, so therefore i'm the crazy one that gets to crop with ya'll!!! - so i have to work with the scrubbie's schedule!!!)
******GO MANUAL!!! Did you get a new camera for CHRISTMAS?!?!! Do you have a camera that you aren't UTILIZING all of the settings?!?! WELLLLLL, kate is here to help you out!!! In our "GO MANUAL" class. It will be a FOUR hour class......ONE day!!! 2 1/2 hours of DISCUSSION and 1 1/2 hours of HANDS ON practice. We will limit this class to TEN people, guaranteeing a one on one with the instructor and student! The class is being offered on Satuday February 21st and Saturday March 14th from 10:00am - 2:00pm. The cost is $40.00 per person. If you're interested - just give the store a call and get signed up!! This is YOUR chance to use YOUR CAMERA!! Take better photographs - tell better stories - preserve better memories!!!
*******NEW ITEMS!!! We have the ENTIRE NEW LINE FROM MAKING MEMORIES - LOVE NOTES!! It's WONDERFUL!! We WILL sell out - but WILL RE-ORDER!!! :) The Glue Glider Pro's are FLYING off the shelf - but never fear - more are on the way!! :) Restocked MORE KAISER craft books - these are pretty hot items too!!!! THE SLICE!! These little die cut machines have been a VERY HOT item lately!! We have those back instock - as well as the tools....more storage solutions and design cards are on their way!!! NEW and RESTOCKED Organizational items are here - PERFECT TIMING before ganza - the best time to organize and REorganize your stuff!!!
Back to Ganza - the hotel is ALMOST full - if you're still contemplating getting a room, you need to get on that ASAP!! MAKE SURE YOU TELL THEM YOU ARE WITH THE GANZA GROUP!!!
APPAREL - january 31st is the FINAL DAY TO ORDER YOUR APPAREL - i can NOT take orders on FEBRUARY 1st - CAN NOT!! NOT GONNA DO IT!! (think REGAN on that last line!)
CHA is coming up - the CRAFT AND HOBBY ASSOCIATION show - ALLLLL the new releases are already rolling into our email box and we've already started ordering new stuff!!! I can't WAIT to share them with you!! :)
What Matters Most and Tiny Wonders classes are both coming up this weekend!!! 2-4 on saturday and sunday. ALSO - the crop tonight is FULL!! If you are registered to attend, and you want to reserve your seat - just call or come by the store and let the girls know!!! They'll save your seats for you!! :)
A BIG THANK YOU to Sarah and Kristy for working this weekend, so mom and i can get away!!! Wish you were coming with us!!
Okay - i'm SURE that there are things i wanted to include in here, but they aren't coming to me now!! so - i'll close here.......i hope you all have a great weekend (keep warm) and be looking for the blog to start HOPPING with ganza info soon!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Look what DANIELLE did for us!!!
If you love it and want one of your on THIS link (her blog) and then on the right hand sidebar - click on HER cupcake....,,from there it will take you to her photobucket account....RIGHT mouse click and click on properties....copy the "LOCATION CODE" and paste it into your "url" address for your photos on your blog!!!! if you need help - just email me!! i thought this was SUPER cute and I LOVE IT!! - if you're wondering HOW DID SHE DO THIS?!?! DUH - she's the DIGI QUEEN!!!
we'll have MORE digi information AS WELL AS photo class info coming up THIS WEEKEND!! - promise!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 12:58 AM 0 comments
okay - i'm working on a newsletter - but wanted to start HERE, hoping to catch more of you this way.....apparel.....if you would like to order apparel - call and order through the store......i'm trying to get an idea of how many to order - cuz we more than likely won't have extra to purchase at the event..........if you put down on your ganza registration form - that you WANTED a shirt - but did not pay - i'm still ordering it for will be put on your account!!!!
i've got the seating chart DONE!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! :) that was a booger!!! hope you're all happy with your seat selections!!!
okay - gotta run!! be back later!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:18 AM 0 comments
okay - so i've been PLAYIN' with my mac!!! (in love!) and wanted to just put together a few pictures over the last year (those that i have left, since my laptop crashed!!!) - anyway - here ya go!!! enjoy!!! LAUGH!!! REMEMBER!!! RELIVE!!! (i love the song!!).....soooo it's not playing the song for some reason....but it's the "ting tings" that's not my name!! love that song!!
Okay - so i've sent out an email - if you didn't get it - click HERE - there have been quite a few "bounces" from email's lately!!!
ps - a lil' somethin for you bloggers - the next ganza dates!!! :: august 28, 29 and 30!! save the date!! registration will open up April 4th!! That's a Saturday!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 6:19 PM 0 comments