good wednesday mornin' to ya'll!! how ya been?!!? so, i'm finally getting a few minutes (really only 30, so we'll see what i can accomplish!) to post a recap from this weekend for ya!! :)
Okay - so thursday we loaded up for Crop Camp!! MANY THANKS TO KRUSTY and ROCKY for ALLLLL your help with that!! :) mom and i headed up thursday after closing up shop....crop camp opened up a DAY EARLY this year, and let me tell ya - I LOVED IT!! it was great to get in, get settled, all set up and then have the ENTIRE next day FULL of cropping and FUN!! so thanks for that CC ladies!!!....our "sleeping quarters" weren't bad at ALL!! i'd imagined HORRIBLE accommodations!! For those that don't follow or KNOW me very well...i'll admit, i'm a HUGE priss about this stuff!! Scrubby is VERY happy we had TWO boys, cuz he LOVES to camp!!! :( (mom had to pick me up from girl scout camp after only being there for about 6 hours!!...NO LIE!) ..... BUGS!! uck....... okay - stay focused - so i wanted to show ya'll just how glamorous these quarters were.....
Then we had were provided with some WONDERFUL entertainment!!
A lil' lip syncin' by Vanilla Ice and his crew!!
There are some more pictures coming, compliments of Donna, she was THE photographer!! I'll get those posted when SHE SENDS THEM TO ME!!! ha! :) noooo, she's having computer issues - so i'll post those TOMORROW!! i KNOW there are some GOOOOOD ones in there!!!
Of course, after you've been cropping for FOUR days, you kinda get a lil coooookie!!! This is me croppin with my sunglasses and headphones, tryin to be INVISIBLE! didn't work!! :}
mom (she was ROTTEN this weekend!)
Of course, we indulged just a smidge...mmmmmmm bux frappuccino!! soooo good! thanks roeder style for that - we still owe you for that!!
We had a fabulous time, and always do!! it's really cool to see people that you only see twice a year, and they STILL remember you and you can pick right up where you left off!! I just love all the gals from Oklahoma!! they are SO super sweet!! So thank you CROP CAMP for a fabulous weekend!!!
Danelle worked on some AWESOME layouts with Heidi's NEW 12 x 12 masks
this was a SECOND one she whipped up! I love croppin with's like Elsie meets heidi and they hang out and have coffee and giggle all day!!
NOW - WAIT!! before you send me emails and telephon-O me - we ARE going to do a class or make n take or a demo on these - masks are a hard sell if you don't know what you're doin' - BUT i found someone who LOVES LOVES THEM!! and SHE is gonna be here on NSD to demo them, and we'll see where it goes from there! So - be looking for that!!
okay - the DSLR camera bag i showed ya'll in the newsletter yesterday - they retail for $62.99!! I've been gettin' requests for them, so get on the list!!!!
The store looks AWESOME...(toot toot!!!) I've worked (with the help of my renee!) all week getting it all clean and stocked!! So come in and check it out - i'm pretty proud of it!! okay - i gotta go, kord gets a little irritated with mommy when she's late to "BALLINTEER" in his classroom on wednesdays!! peace - more later!
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