
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 7:33 AM 2 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:24 AM 0 comments
i have two hours to post today ALL FOR YOU!! This post COULD be a little long - so i apologize if you're only able to "skim" this one!!
On the agenda for today's post: Chicks in the Attic info., new arrivals at the store, LOTM, Scrappin' Saturday, Disney Princess Class Kits, Crop*A*Ganza-ville (shirts, cancellations, emails, hotel), Facebook Fan pageS.
WOW - that's a LOT of information - maybe i'll split these up into multiple posts throughout the week!??!
Okay - so - first Chicks in the Attic - i'm going to be explaining a lot of the questions that we have received since we announced our new Nationwide Kit Club!! We are OVERWHELMED with the response that we have received!! We have already SURPASSED the number of kits we thought we would sell the first month!! SOOOOOO happy that the kits are so well received!! Christie is traveling to Valley Forge this weekend and is going to be spreading the word there, so hopefully we'll start to make our way out towards the East Coast!!!
Okay - so some of the questions that we've received regarding the Kit Club - hopefully this will clear up any confusion there may be!
Can I skip a month during my 6 month subscription?
Yes, it is possible to skip a month. We will send a preview of the next month's kit out via email, facebook, and the website on the 20th. If you choose not to receive the following month, you must send an email to chicksintheattic@gmail.com by the 25th of month. You will not be able to skip multiple months in a row.
Yes, you are welcome to unsubscribe from the club at any time. However, there will be a $15 fee to cancel. This fee covers the cost of the free items that subscribers receive with their kit.
Why am I charged $1 at the time of purchase?
You are charged $1 to reserve your kit so that our website captures your credit card information. The $1 reservation fee is credited to your account when the charge for the first kit is processed.
When will the kits ship?
For the first month, kits will ship on Monday, August 10. After the first month, kits will ship on the first Monday of the month.
How much is shipping?
The cost of shipping your kit is $4.99 in the continental United States. Shipping to Canada is $20. You will NOT be charged additional charges for add ons!
What can I expect to receive in each month's kit?
Each month's kit will contain enough products to complete at least 6 layouts. We also include two sets of alphabets with each kit so you have plenty of letters for your titles!
Do I have to subscribe to the club?
We offer both a subscription to our kit club as well as a month by month option. You are not required to subscribe to receive a kit. However, kit quantities are limited, so subscribing is the easiest way to ensure that you will receive a kit each month. We will do our best to have enough kits for everyone interested in purchasing them!
What are the benefits of subscribing to the kit club?
Kit club subscribers will receive the kits at a discounted rate: they save $3 per month. In addition, subscribers will receive a free gift with each month's kit, special offers and discounts from both Chicks in the Attic and Two Chicks Designs, and a guarantee that there is a kit reserved for them. Subscribers don't have to worry about ordering the kit before it sells out!
Can I pick up my kit at Scrap Funattic if I live in the Wichita, Kansas area?
You are welcome to pick up your kit at Scrap Funattic! Just select the In Store pickup option when you are reserving your kit. You can also order and pay for your add ons online as well.
What if a product in my kit is damaged?
The kits are carefully packaged and shipped via USPS Priority mail. Please contact us if any of the items in your kit are damaged and we will work with you to correct the problem!
Can I order my Kit of the Month IN the store?
We can set you up online via the Two Chicks website in the store just as you would yourself online.
***at the time of this blog post we are ALMOST sold out of the kits for August!!! If the demand is there we WILL make more, but just lettin' ya know!
NEW ARRIVALS at the store - with CHA happenin' RIGHT NOW - NEW Glimmer Mist Colors!! Some FAHHHBULOUS new dazzler flowers. We're also working on a "back to basics" area in the store!! This area will be perfect for the TRIED AND TRUE cropper that loves some of those "old school" tools that will NEVER go out of style. It'll also be a great spot for beginners and for those of you searching for gifts for the new scrapper! So - check that out next time you're in and if there's something that you think we need to add, just let us know! The BRAND NEW MY MINDS EYE will be here on FRIDAY!!! yeah baby!! you are going to LOVE THESE LINES!! (these are just three of the SIX lines we are getting!)
The GIRAFFE purses, eeerrrrr i mean the camera bags are back in stock!!
Renee is working on the LOTM and it is KKKAAAAUUUUTTTEE!!!! i will post a sneak tomorrow (she's gotta get the title cut out!), it's the PERFECT back to school layout - first day of school layout - or just SCHOOL in general!
Scrappin' Saturday is THIS Saturday - we're gonna have a make n take (will have that for you tomorrow as well!)....LOTM will be available for sale, the PJ crop is that night AND there is STILL ROOM FOR YOU if you wanna come!!! So make plans now to come out on saturday!
The DISNEY PRINCESS album in a day class was last weekend. We have extra kits if you were wanting to come to the class, but missed it!! The instructions are in the kit (color and step by step) for ALL 17 pages!!!
Crop*A*Ganza-ville - i sent out an email newsletter yesterday for crop*a*ganza - if you did NOT receive it - and you want to - i need you to email me at scrapfunattic@cox.net and just say CAG NEWSLETTER PLEASE!! you can even just put that in the subject line and i'll add your email address. I know that there are loads of you that have been to cag before, yet didn't receive the newsletter.....i entered only the email addresses from THIS ganza's registration forms!!! So - get back with me.
The FINAL day to order shirts is MONDAY AUGUST 24TH!!! That's FOUR days prior to Ganza!! You can call and order over the phone......if you marked your registration form that you wanted a shirt but have not paid, i can't order a shirt for you :( i need you to call and order it with payment!!! if you aren't sure that you have ordered your shirt, you are more than welcome to email or call and i will let you know!! if you have sent me an email in the last 48 hours i PROMISE i will get back with you VERY SOON!! CANCELLATIONS - if you canNOT attend ganza, but have already paid - PLEASE CALL AND CANCEL!! if i can replace your spot you will receive a refund (minus the $30.00) AND you will make someone VERY happy! We have a waiting list that is anxiously waiting for cancellations - so don't think that you're just out of luck!!! Even if its the day BEFORE ganza (which we have had happen before!) i can TRY and fill your spot and get you a refund!!! HOTEL - make your reservations SOON to get the Scrap*Funattic Crop*A*Ganza discount.
If you're a FACEBOOK-er, i hope you've joined our FAN page!! We are having a blast asking questions, getting feedback and ideas and in the near future i'll be uploading ALL of the layouts from our classes, and examples in the store!! Not to mention all the GIVEAWAYS that i've been doin!! Mailed them out today if you were a lucky winner btw!! So check it out!! Post your comments, questions, and if you wanna upload your favorite layouts in our photo album, or share a link that would be AWESOME too!! Just ONE more scrapbooking community to add to your list of many!!
okay - believe it or not - im TIRED OF TALKIN!!! I KNOW you're shocked!! i have SEVERAL other items to discuss with you so you know there will be another post tomorrow!! I have the pictures from our "I used to scrapbook THIS way" contest, and a winner!! i'll post those AND some exciting news you won't wanna miss out on!!! Thanks for reading my novel (and you can tell by the TIME on this post and the actual TIME you're reading this that i've been trying to get this to you ALLLLLL dayyyyyyy Lonnnnngggg!) :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:46 AM 2 comments
okay - so i know that i've been teasing you about our new "venture" for quite some time now - and i KNOW that some of you are SO SUPER excited, and i am SO SUPER EXCITED that you're SO SUPER EXCITED!! Now that the excitement is SO SUPER DUPER i wanna keep it up there!!!!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:47 PM 6 comments
hows your week goin?
did you notice that ganza is only ONE month, ONE week and FIVE days away!!?!?! HOLY MOLY!!! i am SOOOOO not ready!!! and with this "other" venture that we have begun i'm REALLY not ready!!
what venture you ask?!?! wellllll, i can't tell you ALL about it just yet - but i PROMISE it's close!! :) but for now, i'm just gonna give you a little sneakie poo!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Okay - so just in case you didn't see the post a few days ago - HERE is the Crop*A*Ganza-ville T-shirt for our August event!!! They are $16.00 from sizes S-XL - Sizes 2XL-5XL are an additional $2.00!!! PLEASE CALL AND RESERVE YOURS TODAY - we don't order extras and will not be able to order them after the crop!! :( sooooooo, call!!!
Now - HERE's the BACK of the shirt! (note: the palm trees will wrap from the front right to the back right side....similar to the "dont worry be happy" themed shirt we had last year!)
The lyrics are sung to the tune of "Margarita-ville" by the one and only Jimmy Buffet!!! ANNNNNDDDD, the winner of our "write the lyrics" contest is KRISTINA SCOTT!!! :) we had so many WONDERFUL lyrics submitted, and they were alllll so hard to narrow down - but there were 8 of us working together and we decided that Kristina's worked!!!!
here are the actual lyrics:
Croppin' in pj's
I'll be here for 3 days
All of these croppers are happy to play
Carry my bags in
so I can get scrappin'
Hear crazy Kate teasing Renee!
Scrappin' away again at Crop*A*Ganzaville
Searchin' for my lost Stickles and Dots
Some people claim that there's a husband to blame
but i know lack of time is at fault
I know the reason
I've been here all weekend
so I'd have something to show the "fam" on Sunday.
Here in Park City
It's a real pity
that Crop*A*Ganza's not here everyday!
Sleepless again at Crop*A*Ganzaville
Searchin' for my lost Scissors and Paint
Some people claim that there are children to blame
Now I think, lack of time's STILL at fault
I blew out my Cricut
stepped on a brad tip
cut my heel, I'm not going back home
'cuz there are memories that need scrappin'
you won't find me nappin'
These friends and fun they help me hang on
Sleepless again at Crop*A*Ganzaville
Searchin' for my long lost runner of Tape
Some people claim that my addiction is to blame
But I know it's 'cuz I LOVE to CREATE!!
Don't forget to get me your "i can't believe i scrapped like THAT" layout from the blast from the past monday challenge!! email, bring it in or post it on your own personal blog page or facebook page!!! And speaking of Facebook, i know that not everyone has a facebook page, i posted a question last week and got some great feedback, but am also wanting YOUR feedback as well!! KIT CLUBS.....what is your favorite? Why? What don't you like about kit clubs? What do you LOVE about kit clubs?! I've never personally been enrolled in a kit club and am doing some research on the subject!!! So - post your comments....or email them to me!!! scrapfunattic@cox.net
I will be posting this evening the awesome SALES that we'll be having this saturday in honor of our 3year anniversary sale!!! Have a great day!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:00 PM 0 comments