Now, for the special surprise......beginning at 9:00 tomorrow morning and until 4:00pm EVERYTHING in the crop shop is marked down to 70% off!!! And all the clearance paper is 10 for $1.00....GET IT WHILE YOU CAN!!! We aren't planning to have another sale for awhile, so now's your chance!!! But, only until 4:00pm - we have a crop to set up for, so we'll be tearing it all down at 4:00!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Now, for the special surprise......beginning at 9:00 tomorrow morning and until 4:00pm EVERYTHING in the crop shop is marked down to 70% off!!! And all the clearance paper is 10 for $1.00....GET IT WHILE YOU CAN!!! We aren't planning to have another sale for awhile, so now's your chance!!! But, only until 4:00pm - we have a crop to set up for, so we'll be tearing it all down at 4:00!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:23 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 22, 2007
How was your weekend?!
Man this weekend has FLOWN by!!! Hope you all had the chance to get outside and enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather!! I took over 500 pictures with my new camera this weekend!!!! We saw my brother and his band "Moving Rushmore" perform in Manhattan at the Battle of the Bands for the Spring KSU Game!! They were awesome - and they WON!!! (I knew they would though)! But, they were AWESOME!! AWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE!!! They finally have a demo cd out and I'm going to add a link to their website on our blogspot - even if they DON'T scrapbook - they are IMPORTANT to our Scrap*Funattic family!!!
So, since we don't have any classes planned this week at the store - we're getting rid of some STUFF!!! EVERYTHING in our Crop Shop is 50% off!! IT MUST GO!! So, stop by and check it all out!!! Okay - well, I have over 500 photos to upload and get sent out to family and friends this week, so more to come later!!!!
Have a great week!!~
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Just a quick post, to keep my communication with our fellow scrapbookers open!!! (I've been home with a sick little one today and am feeling VERY isolated from the outside world!) I never realized just HOW MUCH my life has changed since I went back to work almost one year ago!!! So, I scrapbooked!! And what's even BIGGER (for me anyway!) I scrapbooked a photo (taken with my new camera!) that I just took YESTERDAY!!! I've NEVER done that!! That was awesome!! (yes, i know - it really doesn't take much to excite me anymore)! But, I love the new Daisy D's "Chasing Butterflies" and used Heidi's new journaling spots!! LOVE THEM!!! And of course, buttons!! But thought I'd also show that I REALLY do use flowers on my boy pages!!! You have to read the journaling, it's so CUTE!!!
Oh, we got the $1.00 stamps from Autumn Leaves yesterday, and some more buttons!!! Plus the new "French Twist"!! LOVE IT!! Makes me wanna do some girl pages!!! Thank goodness I have a niece for those!! We have replenished our Cosmo Cricket and Cloud 9 lines!! And we've got my new favorite tape runner in....Fiskars!!! I KNOW!! They've been around for awhile, but I finally busted open three of them at Crop Camp and FELL IN LOVE!! They are disposable, so you don't have to fiddle with reloading them, AND they are STRONG!! If you're looking for a new runner, give this one a try!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 5:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 16, 2007
Happy "TAX" day!!! I hope you all have signed, sealed and delivered your IRS taxes!!! I hope you're getting tons and tons of moola back!!! Just a quick note to share with all of you ~~~~~~~~~~~ I GOT IT!!! I GOT my DREAM camera!!!! Cannon EOS Digital Rebel XT 8.0 Megapixels!! I AM IN LOOOOVVEEE!! I cannoot wait to take some photos and get them on my pages!!!! I LOVE IT!! So, if anyone has any "tips" or secrets that they've learned along the way with their Cannon, I would appreciate ALL the comments that you have!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 9, 2007
How was your weekend??? I hope better than mine!! SICK ALL WEEKEND!! FLU!! I have never had the "head flu"!! It's always the stomach - so yuck yuck yuck!! But luckily by Sunday, Easter, I was feeling much better!! This was a picture of my youngest son, showing us one of his "crapped" eggs!!! (cracked!) makes me smile!
I know that this blog is "supposed" to be ATTIC CHATTER......not necessarily PERSONAL chatter.............BUT, I CANNOT keep ANYTHING to myself!! And I want to BRAG and spread the great news about my wonderful little BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo proud of him!!! He is pursuing his lifelong dream to become a singer/songwriter!! If you get a free minute - check out their website: they are also featured on ITUNES!!!! I would LOVE it if you would go to Itunes and vote for them!!!!! If you're familiar with Itunes - go to Podcasts and search for Moving Rushmore and login and vote!!! They are also going to be in the battle of the bands at K-State on April 21st - and if they win, the get to perform at 1/2 time of one of the basketball games!!! WE ARE SO PUMPED!!! He's so talented - and we've always been huge fans, but it's great to hear that others appreciate him/them as well!!! Let us know your thoughts!!!!!!

We got some more AMM Totes in as well!!! AND the new Heidi Grace Baby line came this week as well!!!! It's SOOOOO pretty!!! I can't WAIT to see what Jana comes up with!! Okay - well that's all for now.....have a great Tuesday!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
You can check out our new commercial, (if you haven't seen it on TV yet) on our website!!!!
Whatdoya think??!!
Okay - today here's the run down on what we got in!!!
Rusty Pickle....the REST of the Chocolate Bunnies!! CUTE!
NEW EKsuccess - MUPPETS!! New Wedding Disney!!! and more!
NEW DAISY D'S.....Chasing Butterflies!!! SO PRETTY!!!
K&CO. Girl Scouts!! It's here.....well, SOME of it anyway!!!!
Disney Cricut Cartridges arrived.....and then they left again!! We're Sold out of our first shipment, but never fear - we've got more coming!!!
More later!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 2, 2007
OH MY GOODNESS.....LOOK at this picture!!! I seriously HATE having my picture taken - I've just NEVER been photogenic - and THIS IS WHY!!! I am ALWAYS doing something goofy!! I get that from my FATHER!! Since we didn't take any photos of our own area, this is the closest that we have!! Everyone was taking pictures of OUR area, to show THIER husbands that THEY didn't have as much CRAP as WE did!!! Shhhhh, don't tell my hubby that!! But, these are pictures that were taken from the CROP CAMP Photosite can view all the photos that Kathy took from CC there!! Here's the website if you'd like to see them!!

Okay - store stuff!!! The commercial officially began running today!! Here's a list of the times that they should be running this week. These are definite times, there will be other times that it will run, but we aren't "guaranteed" those times, so if you see it - let us know your thoughts!!!
4/2 - Monday - Today Show - 8:34 am 4/2 - Replay of 10:00 news - 1:39 am 4/4 - Wed - Jeopardy - 4:11pm 4/5 - Thursday - Regis and Kelly - 10:24 am 4/6 - Friday - KSN News at 5:00pm - 5:05pm 4/7 - Saturday - Law and Order - 9:19pm
Okay - so today we FINALLY got our Stamping Station order in, they are the company that makes our Specialized School paper!!! So, we got some NEW designs!! Oh, and we finally got our Bluestem paper straightened out!! So, it's finally been corrected!!! TRINITY and SOUTHEAST are here too!!
And check out this sweet wreath that Bonnie made!! If you'd like one of your own, you can make one in the class that she's teaching!!! It's on April 24th!! I think it's really sweet and perfect for this time of year!!
So, I've downloaded a trial version of the arcsoft software that some of our instructors use, to "scan and stitch" my 12x12 layouts together and upload them onto my computer, and I must say - it's a pretty snazzy program!! I can't wrap my mind around HOW it does it - but it does!! I highly reccomend it!!! It's the next best thing to having a 12x12 scanner!! Wouldn't THAT be nice!!!! But, I spent my weekend scrapbookin' - it seems that I've got the "bug" back - I think about my scrapbooking CONSTANTLY since Crop Camp!!! But, I thought I'd test out the "stitching" and show you what I've been working on.....these layouts aren't completely finished - I need to add some sewing and journaling to them, but that's for later!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:18 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Happy April FOOLS day!!! This is the FIRST April Fools day that I've not had a joke pulled on me - nor did I pull one on anyone else!! Kinda bummed about that!!! But, I just wanted to post this link for you to AWE at!!! Jodi Smith, one of our NEWEST instructors at the "attic" emailed me this Layout from Ebay!! This lady sold this layout for $760.00!!! I told my husband - can you IMAGINE how happy you'd be if I sold a Layout for that much money........then he said - can you imagine how UNhappy I'd be if YOU were the person that PAID $760.00 for a layout?!?!
And here's another one by the same lady.......she's GOTTA be lovin this!!!
More later!! Have a great week!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 8:37 PM 1 comments