Friday, June 26, 2009
Check us out on Facebook!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
happy happy BIRTHDAY to RENEE!!
Why such the sad face?

She laid to rest her very last pair of her favorite JCrew Flip Flops :( Let's give her a moment of silence........
okay - we're a TAD bit excited for this upcoming weekend!! we are going on a weekend trip to McPherson's MAPLE MEMORIES!! CANNOT wait!! SUPER pumped!! Whats that? You'd like to go??!! Wellll, we have TWO spots remaining for our September 18th-20th and there are FIVE remaining for the November 13th-15th weekend!!! Call and reserve your spot NOW!! We (hopefully) will sell out!!! $115.00 and includes your food for the weekend!!! (if you pay with a credit card there is an additional $5.00 charge!) LOADS of fun!! :)
Got some new Lego paper in....dana - have you seen it???
AND - speaking of Dana - make sure you stop in and say hi to Krusty and Dana this weekend - they'll be holdin' down the fort while mom, renee and i are at MM!!!
Okay - i'm outa here - sorry - kind of a short post!!! have a great weekend!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
FINALLY got some new and FUN Softball paper in!! That's the HOT item this summer, huh danelle!! (those ripits are doing gggreat!)
And, as sad as it is to say, Daisy D's is no longer! :( So, we've bought some of their inventory and we're passing the ENORMOUS savings on to you!!! Come in and see our SALE aisle - you will find some ROCK BOTTOM prices on some Daisy D's classics!!!
We've been KITTIN' it ON!! There are some wonderful new kits on the kit wall - and more comin' your way!! Check those out when you're in next time!!
AND - mark your calendars - our 3 year anniversary is THIS MONTH!!! We will be celebrating the weekend of July 11th!! So - mark it and BE HERE!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Although recently it's gotten pretty bad!! It's affecting my MOOD!!! I've been so BLAH, UCK!! Anyway - so last week, i'd finally had it!! i was NOT going to go one more day without scrapbooking.....SOOOO that meant NO blogging, NO cleaning, NO newsletter, NO laundry, (however i did fit in swimming, the zoo and the park!....but those are the kids FUN things, NOT mine! riiigghhtt!!) So there you have it - there's my "excuse" if you will.....i've just been so DOWN about this that i just wasn't any fun to even BE around, therefore i didn't feel the need to spread it into the blog world!!! I did make 2 kits for the kit wall - ORIGINALS!!! no lifts (although i did LIFT a technique, paper rolling!!) I feel SO MUCH better - i think sometimes you just have to say "I AM NOT GOING ONE MORE DAY WITHOUT EXPRESSING MY CREATIVITY"!! How SILLY does that sound - but it worked for me.......AND - i was looking forward to my friday cropping buddies, and only 1/4 of them showed up?!?! wassup with that girls?!?!?! Sher-REAL was here!!! Maybe this friday!??!
What else.....OH!! Renee spent sunday afternoon cleaning up and re-arranging our ribbon wall!! whadaya think!??! i thought it would be a nice change......
And....LAST monday - we had the honor of meeting Lori Paul's Online Scrapbooking Group "DMarie".....there were 14 ( i think that's what she said! ) women that came from all over....Las Vegas, California, Missouri, Illinois, and other places, i know i'm forgetting!! They were spending a few days in McPherson at Maple Memories and drove down here to shop!! THANK YOU LORI!!! I hope your you and your ladies had a WONDERFUL time at Maple Memories!!!
SOooo Kristy has been at it again.....look at this WONDERFUL Recipe Stand that she altered!!! When we received these in I thought it would be a great idea to have one in the store....passed it off to krusty and THIS is what she created!!!

Okay - now for your MONDAY Challenge/Idea/Sketch/Product/Suggestion....whatever!!! How many times have you heard SOMEONE (your kiddos, grandkiddos, spouse, sibling, parent, QUOTE, just ANYONE) say something that you thought was PRICELESS?!?!?! This happens to me OFTEN and i think to myself - OH that would make a GREAT title to a scrapbook page!!!......for example.....Renee told a story this weekend of her daughter, lauren...she'd been in VBS this last week, and was "re-capping" the week....lauren was telling us how Jesus "Rose from the dead" ..... however SHE said he "Froze from the dead!" ...... HA!! Ella, Kristy's daughter, calls her "goggles" "GoBBles"!!!!! OMG how CUTE is that for a title!?!?! Soooo, keep your eyes and ears open for these things.....write them down, put them in your Iphone, blackberry or whatever and when you're scrapbookin' those pictures, you will have the PERFECT title!! It also helps to break up the monotony of your pages and titles!!!!
last week was a sad day for us gals at the attic!! you may or may no know - that we LOVE LOVE LOVE our Brian the UPS Man....LOVE HIM!! He's such a great, fun guy!! Prompt, nice, laughs a TON, just a "good ol' boy"!!! Well, yesterday was his LAST day to run our route :( ( I KNOW - you are SO SAD for us!) Thought we'd share this great picture of him with you - we'll miss you BRIAN!!!!

AND - we have MORE kokuyo permanent adhesive in!! We shouldn't run out for at LEAST 1 week!! :)
OH!! Annndd we have a Scrapbook 101 class scheduled for this tuesday evening at 6:30 - there's still time to get signed up for that!! AND, Laura's FIRST official class is THIS Thursday at 6:30 as well!! $15.00 and make your fathers day gift!!!! Call and get signed up!!
okay - well, i'm having a hard time staying focused today!! imagine THAT for a monday! i'm sure that this post is EXTREMELY random for some of you, i apologize!! i promise to do better tomorrow!! :) have a great monday!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
yes i know i spelled remINder wrong!
so - hows your week goin? the heat's comin' back! yippeee!!! maybe i'll FINALLY get to SWIM in the pool i have worked SO hard to clean!!!
okay - so just thought i'd pop on here and share with you a few new precious treasures that arrived today!!! FINALLY!!
WE R MEMORY KEEPERS!!! these are for their 3-ring albums (which are my FAVORITE!)....now they have the 6x4 photo holders VERTICALLY!!! AND - there are 2 new photo protector pages as well......the Hybrid 1 & 3.....i'm gonna have to describe these to ya - cuz they are clear and not a good photo!!! hybrid 1 has THREE 4x6 pockets, TWO 6x4 pockets and ONE 12x2 pocket!!! hybrid 3 has THREE 4x6 pockets and ONE 12x6 pocket.....so if you can think back to the Lickety Slip albums from Bazzill......same idea - just more options and STRONGER page protectors!!! i'm SO excited to see what all WE (the girls!) come up with - with these!!!! These would be great for extra photos you don't NEED to scrapbook, but don't wanna shove in a box......it's great for quick and simple scrapbook pages, random sized paraphernalia that you pick up on vacations!!! love these!!! We also picked up the individual 4x6 and 5x7 photo protectors for the 3 ring as well, for just individual prints, if you wanna showcase them alone - or say you complete the page and later someone gives you the PERFECT picture for that layout you JUST completed?!?! just put it in a protector and smack that puppy right there in your album!! LOVE IT!!
Also - got some more JENNI BOWLIN stuff!!!! Some of it's restock - some of its NEW!!! it WILL go fast - so get in here!!!
TWO more days till supA Saturday!!!! That's what we're gonna call it!!! SUPA SATURDAY!!! and you have to say it like that.......you could say SOUPA Saturday - or you could say SOUPAAHHHH it's up to you!!! :) FREE make n takes, LOTM goes out, PJ Crop (not full yet - come on - we've sold out every single one - let's keep it up!!!) Don't forget - we're offering 10% off all the tools that we showcase in our SUPA SATURDAY MAKE N TAKES!!! (if we sell out - you can pre-order your tool and STILL receive the 10% off!)
Okay - we're looking for some GREAT ways and ideas to get YOU in the store over this busy hot summer!!!! So - we've come up with a DAYTIME crop!!?!?! Think about it - ONE day a week that you could come to the store and crop!! ALL DAY LONG!!!! Here's the "dealio"! Beginning NEXT Wednesday (June 10th) from 10:00-6:00, call and sign up for our WORRY FREE WEDNSEDAY CROP!! i keep talking on here about getting a "group" together and coming up to crop, but what happens when your "group" can't come all the time? what about if you don't have a group of friends that crop? this is the PERFECT way to make new cropping friends, and also to carve out some time for yourself this summer....AND keep you scrappin' thru the summer!!! Plus on top of all THAT - you'll also get Krusty and Renee ALL to yourselves! So - get your mojo flowin, your calendars marked and call the store!!! The price is only $5.00 per seat AND we also have a little "somethin somethin" to give you with your crop seat!!! (but you can't see that until you arrive!)
The camera bags have NOT arrived yet - and i'm JUST AS SAD as you - as i'm waiting on one as well!! HOWEVER, i've been told they should arrive this next week!! So -cross your fingers!!!
Also - something for your FUTURE plans....if you don't have anything BETTER (!) goin on fathers day weekend - you oughta head on out to BENTON!!! from sun up till wayyyy past sun down!!!! food, fun and flights! Check this out!
okay - gotta go and work on the eow newsletter!!! thanks for checkin in with me - love you guys!! thanks for keeping us around!! :)
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Upcoming Local Crops!
Scrapbooking Party!
Saturday - June 13th - 3:00pm-10:00pm
-First United Methodist Church- Meredith Hall -
Fee is $25.00 for a half table and $45.00 for a whole table.
Registration due by June 7th.
Proceeds to benefit First United Methodist Early Childhood Ministries
Come join in our fellowship, preserve your memories and make/create some new ones.
Open to all. Whether you’re a scrapbook junkie or just a beginner we have
a table for you. Seating is limited so reserve your spot today. Fee is due at the
time of reservation and is a non-refundable donation. Dinner will be provided for those attending.
Sodas will be available for purchase. There will be drawings held at various times during this
event for items from local businesses. Please feel free to call 263-6244 or e-mail
bvogt@firstwichita.org if you have questions. Registration with payment may be dropped off at
the childcare office or mailed to: First United Methodist Church
Attn. Brianna Vogt
330 N. Broadway
Wichita, KS. 67202
Scrapbooking Party Registration— June 13th— 3:00-10:00pm
Your Name: ____________________________
Address: _______________________________
City: ____________________ Zip code: ________________
Phone number: _________________________
Will you need a half table or whole table? ____________
Are you attending with others? If so, please list their names so that we can seat you
close together: ________________________________________________________
We will look forward to seeing you!
![]() | Food Bank Crop |
![]() | |
![]() | Scrappin Boot Camp Food Bank Warehouse Crop Saturday, June 13th, 2009, 9 am- 6 pm scrappinbootcamp.com Please register soon to save your spot! This is sure to be a great time! Over the years, we have raised over $4,000 for this great cause! Price Includes: - Plenty of scrap space with your friends - Goodie Bags & Name Tags -Donuts for Breakfast, Taco Bar for lunch - Drinks & snacks throughout the day along with a bonus dessert bar in the afternoon! - Door Prizes - Garage Sale! - Vendors will be on-site for your shopping convenience - Free Demonstrations from some of the vendors All for just $30 with half of each registration going straight to the Food Bank. *Cancellation Policy: Cancellations prior to June 1st will be refunded in full. After that date, refunds will not be given as this is a charity event and our goal is to raise as much money as possible by filling all of our available seats. This ensures we have enough time to find another participant. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns |
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's STILL Monday!! :)
okay - so i promised a weekly "challenge" of sorts throughout the summer - today is the first!! never fear - i'm here BEFORE midnight - so technically i'm still ON TIME!! hee hee!!! i HATE letting people down, so needless to say - it's 10:30pm and i'm up at the store working on this challenge for you!!
when i was running some ideas by mom - and asking her opinions and ideas, she said "i don't really know any ""challenges"".."......so i thought - maybe i'm making this harder for people than i want to!
i don't want this to be something that YOU feel pressured to do - like if you don't do one, then you're "out of the club" !! ha ha!!! but rather, something that you can look forward to and either say - oh, i'm already doing that,,,,,oh that sounds like a good idea.......oh, i've never thought of that.......get what i mean!?!? something that will HOPEFULLY continue to keep SCRAPBOOKING in the forefront of your mind through this busy summer!!!!
the reason behind THIS weeks "idea"...lets call it that,,,,,IDEA MONDAY!!!.....the reason behind this weeks idea is something that i had happen to me last summer, and i see it already happening to me THIS summer.....my oldest son is 8 (almost 9), and LOVES LOVES LOVES my dad - WORSHIPS my dad - the sun sets and rises IN MY DAD for kord.....so LAST summer, he spent quite a bit of time with him. Well this summer, all he's been looking forward to is LIVING WITH POPPIE!!! We're calling it the "summer of poppie!" I'm even going to make him his OWN little mini album TITLED your summer with poppie!! BUT - he's out there SO much (only been home ONCE since school let out two weeks ago!) that I am not SEEING for myself just WHAT he's doing. He's done some really cool things....things MOST 8/9 year olds don't get to do - some things for the FIRST time!! So - i've decided to do something that i've been TELLING myself i was going to do for over a year now.
i'm keeping a RECORD of his DAILY activities.......DAILY!! i recently bought and altered the new Heidi Swapp Memory Binder and have made it my personal planner, address book,budget book, coupon holding, note taking, to do list making and memory recording binder!!!
i'm asking him DAILY what he's done, what has been the coolest thing he's heard, seen, done or been to!?!?! and writing it down verbatim to what he's saying!! i don't write novels, but even just a sentence or two. sure, i may not use alllll of it - but WHEN i am ready to scrap it i will be able to have a reference guide of what he did, and HOW he felt in that moment!!!
with me not being WITH him, comes the fact that i can't have my CAMERA in his face at all times....(something i'm sure he's THRILLED about!).......so i'm having to rely on WHAT pictures there are being taken. one of his friends has a camera on her AT ALL TIMES, and i hope to get some copies of her photos. but for the most part, i'm relying on CELL PHONE photos!??! at this point i do not CARE how they turn out....just that i have SOME record of his summer of poppie, or that HE has SOME record!!!
on MOST of my layouts i am a TITLE-ER...(is that a word!?) I am one of those people that will sit and sit and sit for EVER staring at my pages and photos and wonder WHAT the title is going to be....i don't really like to 'steal' titles, like i do when i scraplift...that seems reallllly personal to me. so i've found what has been working for me, is to use something that was SAID or REFERRED to DURING the incident or occasion of the photos. for example, in this layout that krusty did of ella....this layout needs NO JOURNALING - you need NOT explain to me what this picture and title are saying.....I LOVE THIS!!!
this has worked WONDERFULLY for me lately......AND for those of you that don't enjoy the journaling part of scrapbooking (i can't IMAGINE that, but okay) this makes your part easy!!
in this one, hayden CALLS his dinosaurs - "my bucket o'dino's"!! (even when he is carrying them by themselves!!
So - my "idea/challenge/thought" for you this week is to make a record of your/children/families/grandchildren/etc.etc..... whether it's daily like i am, weekly or whatever works for you - so that when you're life finally settles down long enough for you to dig out these memories, you'll still have them fresh and recorded!!!
Posted by Scrap*Funattic at 10:18 PM 0 comments