i've been REALLY anti-computer lately!! do you ever get that way? i feel like its just a HUGE time sucker!! blah!!
So i've been neglecting my bloggin' duties - and believe me, i've heard about it!!!
wanted to drop in and show you the FREE make n take we'll be doing tomorrow!!! We're doing FREE make n takes every Saturday in december (up until christmas!).......come join us!!!

Did you get to make the rings last weekend!??! If not - we still have some of those left!! If you purchase a ring, you can "bling it up" for free!!! ;)
AND we're gonna start our TWELVE days of Christmas Sale TOMORROW TOO!! :) it's sure to be HO HO HOOOOOO-rific!! :) (wait does that mean HORROR-IFIC!??!) hmmm!??!
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