Tuesday, January 8, 2008

We wanted to stop and wish Renee a SPEEDY recovery!! She had her wisdom teeth removed today!!!
HAPPY THOUGHTS are coming your way Renee!! We miss you and wish you a relaxed and LIQUID week!!!


Kathy said...

Hope you are up to your old sweet self soon. That is no fun! Had mine out at age 18 and it was tough. Huggying you...Kathy

aday said...

OOOH Renee, Bless your heart, lots of choclate malt love coming your way

babsbrown said...

Aww!! Thanks you guys! I am doing very well, I am hardly even swollen! Hope to be back soon, but in the mean time, I am enjoying eating lots of ice cream!

Michielle said...

Soooo glad that it's finally over for you, Renee!!! Glad to hear that you are hardly swollen too!! WOW!! You'll have a rapid recover! Get well soon!! Love ya!!

madmax20 said...

Hey Renee...hope you are feeling better...Make sure you have everyone wait on you even if you are feeling ok...If you didn't live so FAR away I would bring you a malt! Take care and get better soon!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy being extra spoiled while you can girl, it'll be back to the grind before you know it :)

No really, glad to hear you are doing well. Take care and eat lots of ice cream for all of us.