Sunday, August 5, 2007

How was your weekend?!?!? Ours was SUPER fun!! The boys got a NEW 4wheeler from Poppie!!! Well, it's gonna stay at Poppies, and Sarah thinks that it's also hers!! So, I guess we should say WE all got a new 4 wheeler this weekend!! The heat was ON this weekend, wasn't it!! We spent lots and lots of time in the pool!!!

So, I got all of my "chores" done today, so I can SCRAPBOOK ALL DAY LONG tomorrow - Monday - my day off!! I am so looking forward to it, cuz I got to actually scrapbook at the crop on Friday night - and now I'm on a roll!! I woke up this morning and the first thought I had - was a sketch!! It's been A LONG time since I've done that!!! Made me wish I'd bought one of those Karen Foster Memory Planners, so that I'd have those darn templates to sketch it out!!! But, I've been thinking, especially lately, since school is getting ready to start - I haven't scrapbooked ANY OF KORD'S SCHOOL STUFF?!?! What the heck is THAT all about?!?! I haven't scrapbooked ANY of his Pre-pre school, Pre-School, or Kindergarten!??!?! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!?! So, my goal is to get it DONE before he starts school in TEN DAYS?!?! Can I do it?!?! I think soooo!!!! I'll keep you posted!! I do NOT want to be one of those moms that is FREAKING out the WEEK before graduation!!! (you know who you are!) And I'm not saying, AT ALL, that that makes you a bad parent - life just "gets in the way", and before you know it - 10 years have flown by!!! So, I'm going to try and break the cycle!!! :) we'll see!

AMY PALMER......LouAnn was in the store today and told me you were moving.........I AM SO SAD!!! I hope that you come back and visit often, and when you do - I hope you stop by the attic and say hi!!! I WILL MISS YOU!!! I will miss your VERY UNIQUE and HILARIOUS stories, and I KNOW your friends will miss you DEARLY!!! Good luck in Texas!

Congratulations to Summer!!! She had one of her layouts PUBLISHED on Memory Makers Magazines' Website!! Check it out: (if it doesn't take you TO the actual layout - click on search and type in "Frankie" should take you to her layout!) We're so proud of you!!!

Okay - so, I'm trying to get some inspiration - here's a sketch for you - maybe it will bring some of you a starting place!! If you lift this sketch - post it in the comments so we can see it!!! (and there MIGHT just be a lil' somepin' somepin' for ya?!?!) ;))

Here's something funny for your week!!! Amy Wolf was in the store this week, and told me of a magnet she saw at a store it said:

"REAL friends stab you in the FRONT!!!"

~ I personally think it should say YOUR SISTER!!

:) ha ha!!!


kristyM said...

Congrats Summer!!! I love your Frankie layout!!

aday said...

Congrats Summer!! I can't wait to study under you!

Steff I fed-exed your kit to you and my layout today. Since its leaving the plant this afternoon you should have it by tomorrow or wednesday at the latest.

MISS EVERYONE can't wait until Crop A Ganza!!

wolffx5 said...


Christie said...

Hey! What is up with people not commenting! People, you need to join the fun!